The Minutes
Date: November 14, 2023
Location: Timberlake High School
Board Members in Attendance: Marilyn Rousher (Treasurer), Tisha Dore (Secretary) + Vern Peters, Corrie Piper and Lois Tarnowski (Members at Large)
Quorum: YES
Call to Order:
Minutes from the last meeting: Accepted
Welcome: Pres., John O’Neil, and VP, Gus Ferguson, are unable to attend, but have provided their input to the minutes already, so I (Tisha Dore, Secretary) will be running the meeting, and go over their updates. That said, welcome SLE HOA members to our semi-annual meeting. Thanks for being here. Given that Veterans Day was on Saturday, we’d also like to take a moment to recognize our Veterans here tonight. Thank you for your service. To all in attendance, we value your time, and are committed to keeping this meeting on schedule this evening while allowing for as much interactivity as possible. So, like last May, please know we’re happy to field direct questions on topics as they are addressed, but to stay on track, we ask that you keep questions + comments brief (1-2 per person, max) so all have a chance to participate. Then, the last 30 mins (7:30-8pm) we’ll open it up to you as well for one last question or comment each.
Treasurer’s Report:
Current in checking account: $ 43,679.46
(Nov 2022: 27,673.83)
Current in savings account: $ 116,606.02
(Nov 2022: 79,068.50)
Current in petty cash account: $ 183.24
(Nov 2022: 201.00)
Total in bank accounts: $ 160,468.72
(Nov 2022: 106,943.33)
From a comparison of balance sheets (Nov 2023 + Nov 2022), we’re in good shape. Between tightening our belts on expenses and selling unused + unneeded equipment including the old dump truck and other shop items that were just collecting dust as well as donations (THANKS), we’re in a better position to work towards a new-to-us grader, the fundraising for which is covered in more detail under new business.
We still have 14 outstanding accounts representing approximately $5K in 2023 dues owed. While we’d prefer not to resort to liens wherever possible and are focused on making arrangements with owners who are committed to getting themselves current including the establishment of two new payment plans, liens will need to be placed on properties owned by members who’ve been unresponsive or defaulted on plans.
Behind on your dues? Send payment ASAP or contact Marilyn Rousher, at For more information on payments and donations (including mailing address + PayPal info):
Motion to accept Treasurer Report by: Lois Tarnowski Motion Seconded by: Vern Peters
ARC Report: There are no new builds to report and winter is here. However, if you have building plans for Spring (or questions to prep), contact ARC Chair, Jon Dore, at Learn more about building in SLE + find the Architectural Form for approvals here:
Motion to accept ARC Report by: Marilyn Rousher Motion Seconded by: Corrie Piper
Timber Report: Gus Ferguson (Jon Dore reporting) says there’s nothing new to report except the online form for logging approvals has been fixed. Send timber/logging questions to: For links to the commercial logging form that must be filled-out + submitted for approval as well as the Timber Exemption form for property taxes, filing with the county, visit:
Motion to accept Timber Report by: Marilyn Rousher Motion Seconded By: Vern Peters
Roads Report: Roads Committee Chair, Joe Sandbank, is still looking for another CDL driver, and he’s getting to the roads that need work before winter ASAP. It was previously reported that St. Joe was completed from the round-about all the way to CDA. He said he’s been focused first on CDA and St. Joe because they’re the highest-traffic areas, and need the most work, especially in prep for winter. He reminded if you have “no grading” signs on St. Joe, and there are potholes, they’re about to be graded, if they haven’t been already. This is unavoidable now, we waited as long as we could, and it has to be done.
One resident asked about Kelso, if there was a reason that had not yet been graded. Joe said he’ll be getting to it shortly, he’s just not there yet, but will be on it before winter. He then said he needs more help and invites inquiries for that now vacant CDL driver position. Rain is also an issue. He said, first, there was not enough rain, then too much, so he needs a four-day window of no rain now to get back to grading.
A couple of residents said that it was hard to hear in the room and asked speakers to speak up, and another asked can we get a mic next time (please see the follow-up note on this at the end of the minutes).
Joe then reported that he has used 20 loads of gravel mainly on the two entrance areas + round-abouts, which are being cleaned up now that we’ve gotten more rain in November. He recently requested 20 more loads of rock, and he said the board voted, YES. He also reported that there is far more traffic on these roads especially the entrance areas than people realize, and when drivers speed, especially, it pushes out the gravel, so it’s a constant battle to repair + rebuild the roads. Joe again reminded everyone to SLOW DOWN to protect the roads and our community’s investment in them.
Another resident raised the issue of speeding. He said he was nearly t-boned by the intersection of Kelso and St. Joe just the other day. Member at Large, Corrie Piper, verified the resident was more concerned with the danger than the road conditions. Secretary, Tisha Dore, agreed this is a problem, noting that she lives at the entrance of CDA near the 54 and can observe daily the same repeat offenders. However, she also acknowledged this is a problem we can do little about as a board unless homeowners can report a license plate number or neighbor name, address, lot number, etc., in which case, we can follow-up, and have done so before by phone, mail, email, etc. Tisha also noted that many speeders do not live here.
A couple residents confirmed that it’s often work trucks as well as FedEx and UPS with which the board members agreed (and complaints have been made with delivery companies). Tisha said that the board members have the same concerns about speeding, and while little else can be done, they are committed to reminding homeowners (and parents with kids who may be involved) every chance they get in all communication—written, online and social media—that everyone must slow down to protect us + roads, and asks homeowners to please report anyone who lives in SLE and can be *accurately* identified.
Another resident expressed concern over dirt bikes and side-by-sides frequently driving by her home presumably on the way to paper land. She said some just tear up and down the street, often young kids, after school. She said that she has gone out into the street to try to stop some of the kids as they drive by. Arc Committee Chair, Jon Dore, warned against this, for the safety of all involved. Member at Large, Vern Peters, then said if they’re licensed + registered vehicles, and are just passing through or making noise, there’s nothing that can be done. It used to be that these were not road-legal vehicles but they are now, and even those that are not licensed + registered, still have the right to pass through SLE.
Joe then went over a few more winter prep items.
He said that vehicle maintenance + preparation for winter operations is almost done. He said there were no breakdowns last winter and they hope for the same this winter, so they’re doing all they can to prep the rigs now. Joe confirms we’re initially good on fuel in prep for winter too. He also reminded that the ground needs to freeze before we can safely, and effectively, run the plow over it. So, he said please be patient, plowing will start as soon as it can be done right, and with care for protecting the roads.
Secretary, Tisha Dore, gave one last reminder (before the snow sticks): walk your property and review areas of need near the roads so you’re ready for winter. Cut branches imposing on roads ASAP. Email questions to For roads form for reporting issues:
Motion to Accept the Roads Report: Marilyn Rousher Motion Seconded By: Lois Tarnowski
Welcome Committee: Member at Large, Corrie Piper, just took this over, and is getting started on welcoming new homeowners to SLE. She’ll be dropping off goodies at your house, “please don’t shoot.” Contact her at Newbies who have yet to register for HOA billing/mailings, please fill-out the form:
Motion to Accept Welcome Report: Marilyn Rousher Motion Seconded By: Vern Peters
- Newsletter
o Member at Large, Lois Tarnowski, says she’s working on the winter edition for Jan.
o Also, if you’ve provided an email address, you can always find the quarterly newsletter in your email inbox (or junk). If you haven’t given an email address, you’ll get it in the mail.
o Homeowners: To cut costs + save time, please send us an email address so that we can reduce the amount of people who need a hardcopy newsletter mailed to them. To provide your email for this (or update your email address) contact:
- Street Signs
o President, John O’Neil, ordered signs for Kelso & Liberty and stop signs (2) + one-way (2). They should be done any day now on approved budget ($500-600.) Will report final cost.
- Purging Old Files
o Treasurer, Marilyn Rousher, will soon eliminate hardcopies of files dating earlier than the ones we’ll be keeping (current year + 7yrs back). She also confirmed e-files go back longer.
- Search For New Grader – Vern Peters said it is ongoing and Marilyn said Gus has a possible lead. A resident asked for the price, and Joe said it fluctuates, realistically, it’s in the $80-90K range.
Motion to Accept Old Business: Marilyn Rousher Motion Seconded By: Lois Tarnowski
- Fundraising For Grader
$23,000 from sale of dump truck
$5,500 from unused shop equipment sale
$ 6,440 ($1,200/mo for July-Nov KEC shop rent + $440 for June partial rent)
$ 485 from homeowner donations
- KEC Work
o Per Jon Dore, Gus Ferguson previously reported that the posts were installed by KEC’s contractors and just provided the update that the cable + lock (also promised) has since been added. Thanks, Gus, for your continued follow up on this to be sure that it was done.
- Avista
o Lois Tarnowski says they’ve put up new poles and they’re cleaning up after themselves.
o She thinks they might be done at this point or close to it.
- Board Elections
o Reminder: there are no HOA board elections until May 2024, but nominations for the four spots that will be opening up may be submitted now through the deadline of March 31st.
o Nominations may be submitted in-person here at the semi-annual meeting (visit table at the entrance) or online using the Google form here:
o Voting will be done at the May 2024 semi-annual meeting or online (link TBD), and run by third-party, Rebecca Morales, who was previously announced as our new auditor.
o Rebecca, who was in the front row, was introduced to attendees & invited to share more about her previous role as controller + extensive experience in accounting, audits, etc.
o Rebecca was intro’d to previous auditor, Trudy Shrigley, and the board was able to thank Trudy in-person as she was unable to attend the May meeting when her last audit posted.
o Have questions about nominations? Contact Tisha Dore at
Motion to Accept New Business: Lois Tarnowski Motion Seconded By: Corrie Piper
- The floor is now open (at 7:05pm, 25mins ahead of schedule) to homeowners of Spirit Lake East:
o Please be respectful and keep it brief (maximum of 2-3 mins).
o Only a sampling of questions/comments is included in the minutes.
- One resident asked about grading on Hayden and Kelso as she came to the meeting a bit late. Joe confirmed that another resident had the same question before she arrived and that he’ll get to grading those areas shortly, and reminded that he is down a CDL driver, and invites inquiries, which can be emailed to the roads crew at
- Another resident asked about advertising opportunities with the newsletter, which had been previously discussed with Secretary, Tisha Dore. We went over a few different possibilities where SLE-only homeowners could potentially promote their businesses in the newsletter, SLE business directory and/or our SLE HOA Facebook group, as long as it’s not too ad-heavy. Member at Large, Vern Peters, said we’d need to make clear that this is not an endorsement from the board, and all agreed, it should be a simple listing or sharing of a special offer for SLE residents w/ disclaimer, possibly in exchange for a donation that could then be put towards a new grader, for example. Tisha then asked meeting attendees who by a show of hands would be comfortable with something like that to get a feel for how it might be received by all, and most raised their hands, then Member at Large and Newsletter Editor, Lois Tarnowski, reminded that there has been advertising in SLE newsletters in the past, and said it shouldn’t be an issue, and some longer-term residents confirmed, said it was ok before. We’ll plan more on this soon, agreed to follow up.
- Resident gave positive feedback on the communication from the board lately and asked which board members have terms ending in May. It was noted that John O’Neil (President), Gus Ferguson (VP), Corrie Piper (Member at Large) + Tisha Dore (Secretary) had terms ending in May. The resident then asked if all would be running again for their current positions. Tisha said that all board members with terms ending in May took over a seat to complete someone else’s term, so they could run for a seat in May, and if elected, remain in their positions, if ok with the board. She said I can only speak for myself, but I’d be willing to do that, and think others would be too. Tisha then clarified that, in general, however, homeowners don’t run for a position, but for a seat, then the board determines for which position each elected member would be best-suited based on skills, interest, experience, availability, etc.
- Motion to adjourn at: 7:23pm by: Vern Peters
Motion seconded by: Marilyn Rousher
- Meeting was adjourned at: 7:23pm
Hi Everyone – This is just a quick follow-up about the sound in the Commons room at Timberlake H.S., which, as many of you know, does not have good acoustics. I had been previously warned by the school event coordinator that using a mic in there often makes it more difficult to hear rather than improving matters, so this is why I declined a mic both for the May + Nov meetings this year.
This time, though, we were also contending with a basketball game next door and music playing periodically in addition to the usual hum of the refrigerators in the Commons. For these reasons, I’m working with the school to find a better room for our May meeting, and if it goes well, perhaps we’ll have a new tradition, we shall see. The board will go over these other options in Dec, and if we do find a new room at the same school that makes more sense, we’ll be clear where to go in the invite.
I just want you all to know that we are working on this and will have a mic at the May meeting as well. Please note that having a mic does come with its own set of issues, some technical, others logistical. Then, there are the differing ways folks may use a mic (too close, too far, feedback, etc.) that I have found can be the biggest challenge. That said, we want everyone to have the best chance to hear at these meetings they spend their valuable time attending regardless of the room or how folks speak (or how comfortable they are doing it), so hopefully we’ll find a better room to try out this May!