Welcome to Spirit Lake East!
Hello, New Homeowners. We’re so happy to have you here in the best community in beautiful North Idaho. Now that you’ve purchased a property in SLE, you’ll need to know ALL THE THINGS. If you’ve already completed the below checklist, we’re sorry to be running late, we’re just getting the welcome program going.
First, if you haven’t already, please fill out our new resident form. If your preferred mailing address is in SLE, we’ll assume you’re living here full-time, in which case, you can look forward to receiving a small gift in your mailbox here. If you’re a part-timer, email us when you come for a visit, and we’ll drop something off!
Everything you’ll need is on the website and below. For a printable version including a map of SLE, click here. If you have questions, feedback and/or want to let us know when you’re here for a visit, email us at welcome@spiritlakeeast.org. Looking forward to meeting you!
Communication & Community
NEW RESIDENT FORM: Please fill out the SLE Homeowners Association form, which can be found at: https://tinyurl.com/SLENew
FACEBOOK: If you’re on FB, join our private group there, and feel welcome to post questions and feedback: www.facebook.com/groups/spiritlakeeasthoa
NEXTDOOR: If you liked this app for staying connected in your last neighborhood, then you’ll be happy to know that you can join us in our neighborhood listing: Spirit Lake East.
SEMI-ANNUAL MEETINGS: We hold public meetings for all Spirit Lake East homeowners twice a year on the evening of the second Tuesday of May and November. Be sure to fill out the new resident form so we can send an invite to your preferred address.
Services & New High-Speed Internet!
INTERNET: Up until now, the tall trees surrounding SLE limited our choices. However, we are excited to announce that Intermax is rolling out high-speed fiber Internet in SLE! Book setup while road-to-home installation is FREE: www.intermaxnetworks.com/print
POWER: Kootenai Electric Cooperative, (208) 765-1200 or www.kec.com.
PROPANE: There are many companies servicing the area. Feel free to research them all. Many use North Idaho Propane: (208) 772-6719 or www.nipropane.com.
WASTE MANAGEMENT: Most folks take their garbage to the transfer station in Athol, but if you want it picked up, call Panhandle Waste (Dave) (208) 818-2821. Otherwise, you can use the Kootenai County Rural Collection System, which you pay for as part of your property taxes. The closest drop-off is next door to the Super 1 grocery store in Athol at 7222 E. Howard Road: https://www.kcgov.us/408/Rural-Collection-System
WATER: Gem State Water, (877) 755-9287 or www.gemstate-water.com.