The Minutes
Date: December 4, 2023
Location: Tisha Dore’s Home
Board Members in Attendance: John O’Neil (President), Gus Ferguson (VP, via Zoom), Marilyn Rousher (Treasurer), Tisha Dore (Secretary) and Vern Peters + Lois Tarnowski (Members at Large)
Quorum: YES
Call to Order: 6:32pm
Minutes from the last meeting: Accepted (motioned by Marilyn Rousher, seconded by Gus Ferguson)
November Semi-Annual Meeting Review: All went well and we ended 30 mins early even with questions throughout and opening up in the end for any last-round questions/comments. However, the sound in the Commons room is an issue. This has long been the location of the semi-annual meetings at Timberlake H.S. but we’re looking to create a new tradition in better spot with better acoustics + more warmth! Secretary, Tisha Dore, is booked with the Timberlake event coordinator for Wed, Dec 6th, to review options at the same school for the May meeting. We’ll also be coordinating with her a mic as a back-up plan.
Treasurer’s Report:
Checking account
$ 41,984.69 (Nov 30, 2023) / $28,577.26 (Nov 30, 2022)
Savings account
$ 116,869.48 (Nov 30, 2023) / $79,177.68 (Nov 30, 2022)
Petty cash account
$ 183.24 (Nov 30, 2023) / $201.00 (Nov 30, 2022)
Total in bank accounts
$ 159,037.41 (Nov 30, 2023) / $107,955.94 (Nov 30, 2022)
There are now 11 outstanding accounts representing $4,351.33 in past dues owed (down from 14 accounts, over $5K in dues previously). Given progress continues with payment plans + reconciliations, we’re holding off on liens with those Involved. We want to make every effort to avoid liens on properties wherever possible because, as Marilyn (and Gus, et al.) asserts liens cost us money. So, we’re continuing our focus on making arrangements with owners committed to getting current. If all other efforts fail, liens need to be placed on properties owned by members who’ve been unresponsive or defaulted on plans.
With dues statements set to run end of December, Marilyn + Tisha then went over necessary prep work. Tisha confirmed that the contact database has been updated, per Marilyn’s request + new info provided, and the envelopes are stamped with return address, and mailing labels will be printed + applied shortly. Tisha to drop off the envelopes to Marilyn who will run + mail the dues assessments by end of month.
This brought us to discuss the issue of raising dues.
Each December, per the CC&R’s, dues may be raised up to 3%. Over many years past, the dues were not raised, which has led to an extreme delay in saving for necessary equipment + repairs to remain in accordance with the CC&Rs, and left us ill-prepared for emergency expenditures. Marilyn noted that tightening our belts and selling off equipment + fundraising over 2023 has certainly helped, but said a dues increase is still urgently needed. Then, there were a few questions around whether a vote was needed to make it official or if an increase was discretionary and automatic. VP, Gus Ferguson, clarified that while the board can raise dues up to 3% per year, we still need to vote on anything concerning money. The board then unanimously voted to increase the dues by 3% ($7.50). So, to confirm, the Spirit Lake East HOA dues were $249.99, and will now be $257.49 starting with the 2024 assessment going out this month.
Lastly, Marilyn went over audit plans. She’s going to provide our new auditor, Rebecca Morales, the 2023 books in early Jan so that this year’s audit can go out to homeowners as soon as possible in the new year. Marilyn then confirmed that Tisha is to reach out to Rebecca to let her know that our previous auditor, Trudy Shrigley, has offered to make herself available to answer any questions Rebecca may have (thank you, Trudy). Tisha will provide Trudy’s contact info to Rebecca so that she can reach out, as needed. Behind on your dues? Send payment ASAP or contact Marilyn Rousher, at For more info on payments + donations (including address):
Motion to accept Treasurer Report by: Vern Peters
Motion Seconded by: Gus Ferguson
ARC Report: There are no new builds to report and winter is here. However, if you have building plans for Spring (or questions to prep), contact ARC Chair, Jon Dore, at Learn more about building in SLE + find the Architectural Form for approvals here:
Motion to accept ARC Report by: Lois Tarnowski
Motion Seconded by: Gus Ferguson
Timber Report: Gus Ferguson says there’s nothing new to report but reminds the online form for logging approvals has been fixed and ready for Spring submissions. Send timber/logging questions to: For links to the commercial logging form that must be filled-out + submitted for approval as well as the Timber Exemption form, visit:
Motion to accept Timber Report by: Marilyn Rousher
Motion Seconded By: Lois Tarnowski
Roads Report: With the snow now upon us, we can’t thank enough the Roads Crew, and particularly, Roads Chair, Joe Sandbank. Plowing on Sat, Dec 2nd, was completed efficiently + in a timely manner. We’re still looking for two new CDL drivers. Please apply via email ( so we can track. Members At Large, Vern Peters (and Corrie Piper via email) both assert that we need plenty of CDL drivers (plans + back-up plans) to keep our focus almost entirely on roads management in SLE where it belongs.
Since this was the first plowing of the season, which is always a bit rougher with less base, the trucks did need repairs by the end of the day, mainly from gravel that’s been pushed to the side of the roads especially by faster drivers (SLOW DOWN). The yellow truck went out of commission earlier in the day so a mechanic was quickly booked to assess + provide estimate on repairs needed ASAP that night. The green truck also required repairs (more minor and by end of day) and work began on that one the same evening.
Repairs are near complete. Servicing didn’t cost us anything extra, just a hose + another small part needed. Thank you, Joe, who once again reminds everyone to SLOW DOWN to protect the roads and our equipment. This is now an increased safety issue with snow (and soon ice!) coming to our roads in winter.
We also talked about sanding vs. not sanding and the specific weather conditions needed for it to work. Member at Large, Vern Peters, then asked how we can track repairs including diagrams to make it easier for future boards. Gus said that he believed Joe had a subscription to manuals to print/mark-up diagrams. President, John O’Neil agreed to ask Joe. Secretary, Tisha Dore, said she can file online any records.
Email questions to To report issues, use the form:
Motion to Accept the Roads Report: Vern Peters
Motion Seconded By: Tisha Dore
Welcome Committee: We’d like to thank Member at Large, Corrie Piper, who delivered Thank You’s and cookies to semi-annual meeting attendees. She’s planning something similar for newbies who’ve moved into SLE over the last year. If you’re on her list, please know she’ll be dropping off goodies at your house, “please don’t shoot.” In Corrie’s absence, President, John O’Neil, suggested we also ask her if she can deliver cookies to donors too. Corrie can be contacted at Newbies who have yet to register for HOA billing/mailings, please fill-out the form:
Motion to Accept Welcome Report: Gus Ferguson
Motion Seconded By: Lois Tarnowski
- Newsletter
o Tisha to provide Jan newsletter items to Editor & Member at Large, Lois Tarnowski.
o The prospect of inviting SLE businesses to advertise (for grader donations) in the newsletter + our private FB group per inquiries made by a SLE homeowner was also discussed in more detail, and the board agrees this is a great idea. Editor, Lois Tarnowski, also shared her collection of newsletters to show us that advertising was done in the past.
o We went over possible pricing and agreed to start exclusively with SLE business owners, noting that if we do branch-out to local area businesses owned by non-SLE residents pricing for SLE residents would remain special. We also agreed, per Member at Large, Vern Peters, that there should be a disclaimer (to avoid appearance of endorsement).
o Tisha to provide firmed-up pricing options for board review + consideration then we can finalize options, begin to promote them online by end of Dec + in the Winter newsletter.
o Also, if you’ve provided an email address, you can always find the quarterly newsletter in your email inbox (or junk). If you haven’t given an email address, you’ll get it in the mail.
o Homeowners: To cut costs + save time, please send us an email address so that we can reduce the amount of people who need a hardcopy newsletter mailed to them. To provide your email for this (or update your email address) contact:
- Street Signs
o President, John O’Neil, ordered signs for Kelso & Liberty and stop signs (2) + one-way (2). John reported that he reached out to the sign co. today 12/4 to check on pick-up. They said there has been a delay in production with all the new developments in the area, but the signs should be completed, and ready for pick up shortly (latest estimate: $475-550).
- Purging Old Files
o Treasurer, Marilyn Rousher, confirmed she’ll be eliminating hardcopies of files dating earlier than the ones we’ll be keeping, and said we can remove this from future agendas.
Motion to Accept Old Business: Tisha Dore
Motion Seconded By: Gus Ferguson
- Board Service – For over a year now, the board has been putting systems in place to make service easier for future board members, so there’s a roadmap to follow. Pres. John O’Neil, wants us to publicly share any lesser-known info from the CC&Rs that could also help. For example, per the CC&R’s, if a board member puts their home on the market, they must step down from the board. John says this is important for everyone to know because in the past, board members have remained in service then sold their homes + moved without notice, which has left a void that couldn’t be immediately filled. It can also create an unfair advantage in the selling process.
- Grader Business – Given the search + ongoing fundraising for a grader is an ongoing issue and no longer new business, Tisha agreed to create a new section for this in the minutes to follow roads.
- Donations: We want to thank one homeowner who donated $1,000.00 for the grader! Tisha to find out if we can share their name. Want to donate? Send check with “grader donation” in memo:
SLE HOA, P.O. Box 217, Spirit Lake, ID 83869
- Documenting Donations: President, John O’Neil asked can we visually illustrate for homeowners how donations are going. VP, Gus Ferguson, had some ideas. Tisha said she can create graphics.
- Search For New Grader – VP, Gus Ferguson, went over the possibility of a great used grader. He confirmed that the seller is required to put it up for auction but he’ll keep us posted.
- Grader Pricing – This is often asked, so we’ll keep this in here. Joe says it fluctuates, but realistically, we need to be looking for a new-to-us used grader in the $80-90K range.
- Fundraising For Grader
$23,000 from sale of dump truck
$5,500 from unused shop equipment sale
$ 7,640 ($1,200/mo for July-Dec KEC shop rent + $440 for June partial rent)
$ 1485 from homeowner donations (new $1k donation received by a single resident, THANK YOU!)
- KEC Work
o VP, Gus Ferguson, who recently reported that the posts, followed by cable + lock, were installed by KEC contractors. He now says this item can be removed from future agendas.
- Avista
o Member at Large, Lois Tarnowski says that there’s nothing else to report since saying they put up new poles, were cleaning up, and they’re near done. We can now delete this item.
- Board Elections
o Reminder: there are no HOA board elections until May 2024, but nominations for the four spots that will be opening up may be submitted now through the deadline of March 31st.
o Submit online nominations here:
o Reminder: Voting will be done at the May 2024 semi-annual meeting or online (link TBD), and run by third-party, Rebecca Morales, who was announced earlier as our new auditor.
o Have questions about nominations? Contact Tisha Dore at
Motion to Accept New Business: Marilyn Rousher
Motion Seconded By: Vern Peters
- Motion to adjourn at: 7:33pm by Lois Tarnowski and Seconded by Tisha Dore
- Meeting was adjourned at: 7:33pm