The Minutes


Date: January 10, 2024


Location: Zoom call due to covid


Board Members in Attendance: John O’Neil (President), Gus Ferguson (VP), Marilyn Rousher (Treasurer), Tisha Dore (Secretary) and Lois Tarnowski + Brendan Mills (Members at Large)


Quorum: YES

Call to Order: 5:00pm

Minutes from the last meeting: Accepted (motioned by: Gus Ferguson seconded by: John O’Neil)


Additions & Departures: Members at Large, Vern Peters + Corrie Piper, resigned from the SLE HOA Board in December. We want to take a moment to acknowledge and thank them both for their contributions to our community that are greatly appreciated. We’d also like to warmly welcome our newest Board Member, Brendan Mills, who has taken over one of the open Members at Large positions. He has been a SLE homeowner for six years, and knows well the needs of the community, and how things work here. Brendan is now retired and spends his time volunteering in and around Spirit Lake. He resides with his wife, Dee, near the back of SLE so he’s also invested in the roads. We’re currently in the process of filling the second Member at Large position and hope to make an announcement on this soon.


Treasurer’s Report:       

Current in checking account:      $             48,666.55

Current in savings account:        $           121,063.10

Current in petty cash account:   $                    183.24

Total in bank accounts:              $            169,912.89


So far this month, we have received:
Donations include:        $               585.03
HOA Dues include:        $            75,754.21
SBA Loan Payments:      $.             2,644.18
Total received in Jan:     $            78,983.42


Fundraising For Grader:

$23,000 from sale of dump truck

$5,500 from unused shop equipment sale

$ 8,840 ($1,200/mo for July-Jan KEC shop rent + $440 for June partial rent)

$ 2,070.03 from homeowner donations (new $1k donation received by a single resident, THANK YOU!)


In addition to the Jan reports sent to the board in prep for the meeting, Treasurer, Marilyn Rousher, also submitted the Q4 Profit & Loss report, which Secretary, Tisha Dore, confirmed was now on the website. Marilyn said she’d produce a Balance Sheet for Tisha to post online as well. Marilyn then said that diesel was ordered and we’ll soon get a bill. She then asked for reimbursement of $171.76 for four file boxes and printer ink + paper (approved). Marilyn also reported that she’s almost done compiling the info needed for SLE resident, Rebecca Morales, to complete the 2023 audit. She then confirmed the Q4 government reports are being prepared and will be mailed out by end of Jan. Marilyn went on to report that the CPA will soon receive the books so she can do the 2023 taxes + provide any 1099s to mail out.

Behind on your dues? Send payment ASAP or contact Marilyn Rousher, at For more information on payments and donations (including mailing address + PayPal info):


Motion to accept Treasurer Report by: John O’Neil        

Motion Seconded by: Gus Ferguson


ARC Report: There are no new builds to report and winter is here. However, if you have building plans for Spring (or questions to prep), contact ARC Chair, Jon Dore, at Learn more about building in SLE + find the Architectural Form for approvals here:


Motion to accept ARC Report by: Lois Tarnowski            

Motion Seconded by: Gus Ferguson


Timber Report: Gus Ferguson says there’s nothing new to report but reminds the online form for logging approvals has been fixed and ready for Spring submissions. Send timber/logging questions to: For links to the commercial logging form that must be filled-out + submitted for approval as well as the Timber Exemption form, visit:


Motion to accept Timber Report by: Lois Tarnowski       

Motion Seconded By: Brendan Mills


Roads Report: The snow season is here and we are ready for it. Plowing (or sanding) has been done when needed, and in a timely manner. More CDL drivers have been added to the crew. We have four now. As mentioned in the Treasurer’s Report, diesel has been ordered. Roads Chair, Joe Sandbank, requested that 350 gallons of diesel be added to tank #2. Kerr Oil will deliver it in the next couple of days and will send us a bill. Joe says we have enough sand for now, but will need a new delivery soon, and he’ll let us know. Some repairs to the plow trucks have been done as needed free of charge by the Roads Crew. Now that we’re through the first couple plows of the season, and getting more snow, a layer is building up, so plowing should be less tough on the trucks, and the crew will continue to stay on top of maintenance.

Once again, Joe reminds everyone to SLOW DOWN. With the snow (especially wet snow w/ rain) there is an increased safety issue, and temps will soon drop this weekend. So, we’ll need to be extra cautious, and the Roads Crew will do what is needed to watch the conditions, and care for the roads accordingly. 

The search for a new-to-us grader continues. Joe said pricing fluctuates, realistically, it’ll be $80-90K.


Email questions to For roads form for reporting issues:

Motion to Accept the Roads Report: Marilyn Rousher    

Motion Seconded By:  Gus Ferguson


Welcome Committee: Corrie Piper has resigned from the board. We’d like to thank Corrie for her service and for the recent rounds she made to drop off cookies with thank-you notes to the residents who attended the semi-annual meeting in November. Secretary, Tisha Dore, will be taking over the welcome committee for now. Contact Tisha with questions at Newbies who have yet to register for HOA billing/mailings, please fill-out the form:


Motion to Accept Welcome Report: John O’Neil            

Motion Seconded By: Gus Ferguson



-        Newsletter

o   Editor & Member at Large, Lois Tarnowski, is calling for all winter newsletter content from board members by Jan 15th. It was agreed all articles would be provided by deadline.

o   The board then further discussed advertising in the newsletter and in our Facebook group the earnings from which would be put towards our grader donation fund. We revisited pricing and the need for disclaimers (to avoid appearance of endorsement by the board). As an initial test, we agreed to start with an invite in the winter issue to SLE resident-owned businesses only offering the following introductory pricing to increase next year:

  • Business card-sized ad: $25 per newsletter, $75 for four issues, if paid in advance.

  • 1/4 page: $50 per newsletter or 150.00 for four issues, if paid in advance.

  • 1/2 page: $100 per newsletter or $300 for four issues, if paid in advance.

  • Full page: $200 per newsletter, $600 for four issues, if paid in advance.

  • Monthly post by Secretary in HOA Facebook Group: $25/mo, $250 a year.

  • Advertisers would be responsible for all content, artwork, images, etc.

o   From there, we can expand to invite ads from businesses outside of SLE at a different rate.

o   Lois asked about committee members so we have an accurate list for the newsletter. She also inquired if more committee members were needed at this time in general, and it was confirmed that while most committees don’t currently require additional help, we’ll need the assistance of the two election volunteers that Lois has lined up for the May meeting.

o   Also, if you’ve provided an email address, you can always find the quarterly newsletter in your email inbox (or junk). If you haven’t given an email address, you’ll get it in the mail.

o   Homeowners: To cut costs + save time, please send us an email address so that we can reduce the amount of people who need a hardcopy newsletter mailed to them. To provide your email for this (or update your email address) contact:


-        Street Signs

o   Pres., John O’Neil, ordered signs for Kelso & Liberty and stop signs (2) + one-way (2). They said they’d call when they’re ready for pickup on budget of $500-600 but development in the area has caused delays. Will check back again next week and report final cost.


Motion to Accept Old Business: Marilyn Rousher          

Motion Seconded By:  Brendan Mills




-        Board Elections

o   Reminder: there are no HOA board elections until May 2024, but nominations for the four spots that will be opening up may be submitted now through the deadline of March 31st.

o   While there was a table for in-person nominations at the semi-annual meeting in Nov, nominations may now be submitted online here:

o   Voting will be done at the May 2024 semi-annual meeting or online (link TBD).

o   Have questions about nominations? Contact Tisha Dore at


Motion to Accept New Business: Lois Tarnowski

Motion Seconded By: John O’Neil


-        Motion to adjourn at: 7:45pm by: Marilyn Rousher        

-        Motion seconded by:  Gus Ferguson

-        Meeting was adjourned at: 7:45pm

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The Minutes


The Minutes