The Minutes


Date: June 12, 2023

Location: Tisha Dore’s Home

Board Members in Attendance: Gus Ferguson (VP), Marilyn Rousher (Treasurer), Tisha Dore (Secretary), Lois Tarnowski (Member at Large), and Corrie Piper (Member at Large)

Quorum: YES

Call to Order: 6:32pm

Minutes from the last meeting: Accepted (Marilyn motioned, Gus seconded)

Treasurer’s Report

Current in checking account: $ 48,126.93

Current in savings account: $ 103,027.68

Current in petty cash account: $ 201.00

Total in bank accounts: $ 151,355.61

Marilyn also presented Profit & Loss summaries for review by the board.

Motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report by: Tisha Dore

Motion Seconded by: Gus Ferguson

New Auditor: The board discussed recruitment for the position of an auditor for the 2023 books with work to begin in Q1 2024. Tisha to draft an invite to CPA and business owner candidates living in SLE.

Motion to accept Auditor plans by: Lois Tarnowski

Motion Seconded by: Marilyn Rousher

ARC Report: Committee Chair, Chandryce Hanson, is taking a leave of absence. Gus is taking on the role. He most recently provided approvals to two homeowners on a shop + metal frame garage with lean-to’s.

Motion to accept ARC Report by: Marilyn Rousher Motion Seconded by: Lois Tarnowski

Timber Report: Nothing to report

Motion to accept Timber Report by: Tisha Dore

Motion Seconded By: Marilyn Rousher

Roads Report: Roads Committee Chair, Joe Sandbank, was unable to attend. Roads Committee Member, Gus Ferguson, said there’s nothing to report. There’s not enough rain for additional grading at this time. However, Hayden and other key areas most in need will be prioritized, if there is substantially more rain and for an extended period of time. Although Joe is already aware of the highest priority roads, Gus confirmed that he will reach out to him with requests submitted to the HOA, in the event of heavy rains. We’ll also continue to keep homeowners posted on future road work through the website + Facebook.

Motion to Accept the Roads Report: Tisha Dore

Motion Seconded By: Marilyn Rousher


- Dust Control

o The HOA discussed the possibility of using a water truck on the roads as some residents have asked given there’s been less rain for this time of year. Joe’s feedback, per Marilyn, is that this would not work or be a good use of our limited resources, better to invest in more road base, so they can get as much work done as possible come Fall + Winter.

- Search For New Grader

o Gus said the search continues for a new grader, no further progress to report.

- SLE Equipment Sale

o The board discussed what other unused shop items are left to sell so that we can put the money towards the purchase of a new grader when the time comes. Marilyn said that there are trailers, truck parts, snowplows, and a gantry (crane) and rock screen.

o Gus and Marilyn will be teaming up on the sale of these items, will post online shortly.

Motion to Accept Old Business: Marilyn Rousher

Motion Seconded By: Gus Ferguson


- Fundraising For Grader

o No additional funds have been donated since the last report.

o Outreach will continue through social media as well as the upcoming newsletter.

o One homeowner asked with the roads in SLE in much better shape now, could the county

potentially pave as was once proposed (and then there would be no need for a grader)?

Gus provided some history on this. He said that over 20 years ago, the county contacted SLE with grant money to pave our roads. The Treeport area residents said yes, and their roads were paved, while SLE residents declined. This money/project is no longer available.

- KEC Work

o Gus is working closely with the project coordinator.

o KEC is requesting a staging area in SLE to put materials and equipment. The board has settled on the shop area and KEC is already working with the board on the details. Per Gus, International Line Builders is the general. They’ll be working their way into SLE heading towards Newman and Liberty. The goal for Phase I will be ending in Oct and all phases ending in Winter of 2024 or early 2025. Gus posted the project info on FB + NextDoor. We’ll continue to keep homeowners posted as the project moves forward.

- Intermax Work

o Per Gus, neither SLE HOA or KEC have heard anything from Intermax. Gus reminded that he did invite their rep to attend the public meeting in May but they were a no-show.

- Kelso & Liberty Street Sign

o Tisha to check in with SLE HOA President, John O’Neil, on the street sign when he returns next week, and homeowner, Jon Dore, has volunteered to install it when the sign arrives.

- Need For Additional File Storage

o Marilyn and Gus are working on finding an additional storage bin that’ll be big enough and on-budget for additional file storage needed for compliance. Marilyn will get back to the board soon with options for a vote.

- New Items Needed For Shop Entrance

o New Chain, Lock + No Trespass Sign

o Gus to provide pricing for approval

- Newsletter

o Lois working on Summer edition

o Marilyn to write a financial update

o Tisha to write invites to join FB and for auditor candidates

o Corrie to write about food coop, Bountiful Basket

o Gus to write about KEC and wasp traps

o Tisha to coordinate with John about President’s Letter

Motion to Accept New Business: Gus Ferguson Motion Seconded By: Marilyn Rousher

- Motion to adjourn the meeting at: 7:50pm by: Marilyn Rousher Motion seconded by: Tisha Dore

- Meeting was adjourned at: 7:50pm

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The Minutes


The Minutes