The Minutes
Date: May 9, 2023
Location: Timberlake High School
Board Members in Attendance: John O'Neil (President), Gus Ferguson (VP), Marilyn Rousher
(Treasurer), Lois Tarnowski (Member at Large), Vern Peters (Member at Large), Tisha Dore (Secretary)
Roads Crew Members in Attendance: Joe Sandbank (Roads Chair), Troy Thompson (Roads Crew)
Quorum: YES
Call to Order: 6:29pm
Minutes from the last meeting: Accepted
Treasurer’s Report
Current in checking account: $ 52,904.44
Current in savings account: $ 103,653.58
Current in petty cash account: $ 201.00
Total in bank accounts: $ 156,759.02
Motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report by: Vern Peters Motion Seconded by: Everyone Else
2022 Audit Report: Hardcopies available for attendees and e-copy posted for review + download online.
This is the last audit by SLE Resident + Retired CPA, Trudy Shrigley, who can’t attend for health reasons. Trudy has performed this important task for SLE as an unpaid volunteer for 11 years. Thank you, Trudy, for all of your hard work, which you’ve generously donated to our community. You will be missed! With that, we’re now calling for a new CPA volunteer to take on the annual auditing of the SLE HOA books, pro-bono, of course, as our budget is tight. The first audit will be for 2023 with work beginning in early 2024. The new volunteer must be a SLE homeowner + CPA (active or retired). We look forward to hearing from prospective candidates. If interested, contact:
Motion to accept the Audit Report by: Gus Ferguson Motion Seconded by: Everyone Else
ARC Report: Nothing to report
Motion to accept ARC Report by: Marilyn Rousher Motion Seconded by: Everyone Else
Timber Report: Nothing to report
Motion to accept Timber Report by: Vern Peters Motion Seconded By: Everyone Else
Roads Report: Roads Chair, Joe Sandbank, says that while the SLE entrances have been the initial focus, he said they are now working their way into SLE as availability allows, starting with roads in the most dire need of attention. Joe says more rock is needed for repairs and rebuilding the crown in the roads, which always takes more budget than people think. Joe is aware of repair requests recently submitted. He says they’ll get there ASAP, so please be patient. Send roads questions + requests to (this email reaches the entire crew) or fill out the Google Form:
Many residents gave positive feedback on the roads followed by a round of applause for our Roads Crew!
Motion to Accept the Roads Report: Marilyn Rousher Motion Seconded By: Everyone Else
- Dust Control
o Planning to treat the roads outside your property? Contact
o The Roads Crew will grade those sections of the road in advance of treatment, which will
not only help to protect the roads longer-term, but your investment in them.
o The base price with Lyman’s is 12 cents a square foot. Partnering with neighbors earns a discount if it’s a continuous run (with no breaks) of at least 1,500 lineal ft / 30,000 sq ft. Lyman’s can’t quote a discount (it depends on the order). Call for a quote: (208) 772 5665
o Some folks asked how they can coordinate a discount with neighbors they don’t know, and SLE Resident, Kerry Thompson, suggested they post on the HOA’s new Facebook page with your exact location + invite:
o SLE Homeowner, Jana Anello (St. Joe, Lot 275), says their roads are already oiled, so she doesn’t want them to be disturbed with grading, has signs out to make sure road work isn’t done. Roads Chair, Joe Sandbank, said they would never grade where there are signs asking for it to not be done. President, John O’Neil, said they’d be in touch with Jana.
o SLE Homeowner, Dale Badore, asked about the status of the trailer/spraying equipment that the previous board was trying to put together for SLE to treat its own roads. VP, Gus Ferguson, said it wasn’t a workable plan, given the state of the equipment purchased, the cost of the oil we can’t afford, and the fact that we are not licensed to distribute the material onto our roads, so he confirmed Lyman’s is the best option for SLE residents to handle this on their own, and invited them to do so:
- Search For New Grader
o As noted in previous meetings, Roads Committee Chair, Joe Sandbank, says a new grader (used/new to us) is critically needed at this point, and will cost a minimum of $90K.
o He’s spent months on research and working his connections to find the best deal.
o Joe has even offered to piggy-back an HOA purchase on his own equipment purchase in order to get an additional discount on the HOA equipment rather than on his own.
o Homeowner, Jana Anello, asked about the possibility of financing a new grader but VP, Gus Ferguson, said that (in addition to higher cost/interest rates), it’d require a 2/3 vote.
o A few residents asked for clarification on what exactly a 2/3 vote is (many thought it was 2/3 of meeting attendees), but VP, Gus Ferguson, confirmed it is 2/3 of all 300 homes.
o SLE Homeowner, Jesse Blocker, confirmed that the last time a 2/3 quorum was achieved to then allow a vote to move forward was when the old grader was purchased in 1997!
o Resident, Steve Plunkett, inquired about the 20 homes accessible from Highway 54. He said they don’t have a vested interested in voting especially not for an increase in dues for road work, materials or equipment as they have their own driveways off the 54 and do not use SLE roads, suggesting that efforts be made to release those homes from SLE.
o VP, Gus Ferguson, says this isn’t an option. He also clarified this with a few residents post-meeting, and wants to in the minutes as well. SLE homes off the 54 may not typically vote, but they provide a critically-needed buffer that keeps our entire surrounding area looking as well-kept as we work to keep our entire SLE community. Plus, these houses being a part of our HOA protects us from commercial development cropping up directly around our neighborhood. So, we appreciate the “54 homeowners” for the value they provide in helping us to preserve our community, and keep surrounding areas rustic + authentic.
- SLE Equipment Sale
o The Road Crew (in partnership with the SLE HOA Board) is working to sell old shop equipment to raise funds for the purchase of a new grader needed for road maintenance.
o As noted in the Treasurer’s Report, the truck sold for the maximum possible price of $23k.
o Board President, John O’Neil, noted the emergency sale of the truck given it was deemed unusable last year and we had a buyer in the dead of winter, so we had to move quickly.
o There were some questions about what else could possibly be sold, and SLE Resident, Kerry Thompson, said the plow had been removed from the truck, per buyer’s request.
o Interested parties and leads, please contact us at:
Motion to Accept Old Business: John O’Neil
Motion Seconded By: Vern Peters
- Fundraising For Grader
o In order to be as careful with our HOA budget as possible residents have been invited to donate to help our community with the purchase a new grader.
o President, John O’Neil noted Secretary, Tisha Dore, is heading up fundraising.
o Tisha clarified that donations are, unfortunately NOT tax deductible, after all.
o While SLE HOA is a 501(c), we’re under a different classification where we can only legally receive donations, but they can’t be written off. We want to apologize for any confusion.
o That said, Tisha noted that donations are still sorely needed! Check is preferred as online donations are charged a percentage-based fee. Checks can be made payable to:
SLE HOA, P.O. Box 217, Spirit Lake, ID 83869
o SLE Homeowner, Jana Anello, suggested print outreach. Tisha agrees this is an important part of connecting with residents, and plans to incorporate print into our fundraising campaign as we did in the May meeting invite mailing, but she noted that electronic outreach via email and Facebook will be a key focus given the expense of print mailings which are about $300+ with paper, ink, envelopes, labels + stamps, not to mention time.
o Jana and others asked about the possibility of a special assessment (a one-time charge to all homeowners to purchase the grader) but the board confirmed it’s about that 2/3 vote.
o Some SLE Homeowners then asked about the possibility of residents simply agreeing to each donate the same amount rather than doing a special assessment and the board clarified that too would require a 2/3 vote because majority must still agree to donate.
o One Homeowner asked about hiring an outside co.rather than buying a grader. Treasurer, Marilyn Rousher, said the expense would be far higher, especially for CDL drivers that are legally required for registration with DOT + insurance that protects us from being sued.
She said Roads Crew members volunteer a lot of their time + charge only $25 per hour for what they do report when CDL equipment operators typically charge $35-$50 per hour.
o SLE Homeowners Dale & Erika Badore offered up alternatives to fundraising such as renting equipment. VP, Gus Ferguson, said the CC&R’s say the HOA must own its equipment to keep costs down over time + ensures roads are cared for in a timely manner.
o Kerry Thompson, said Roads Crew members have their own businesses, aren’t available full-time, so even if the HOA could rent, equipment would go unused until they were free.
Motion to Accept New Business: Marilyn Rousher
Motion Seconded By: Gus Ferguson
- The floor is open to homeowners of Spirit Lake East:
o Please be respectful and keep it brief (maximum of 5 mins).
o Only a sampling of questions/comments is included in the minutes.
o Steve Plunkett was first on our speaker list. He confirmed his questions and suggestions had already been answered during the discussions around old + new business.
o Jana Anello asked about road signs and which ones needed to be replaced. She also asked if we could post on the old bulletin boards on CDA Drive, etc., about upcoming meetings.
Secretary, Tisha Dore, confirmed that we can and will do this in the future.
o Other homeowners asked about the upcoming KEC project where the lines will be buried underground. The board noted that residents who will be impacted first were contacted with the automated message first. Work is slated to begin in June and prep has begun in areas including the entrance of CDA Drive. We’ll keep everyone posted as we learn more including posting updates in our Facebook group and via email + newsletter.
o Another resident asked if cable could be brought in at the same time as the KEC project.
o VP, Gus Ferguson, reminded that Intermax Internet is aware of the KEC project and noted how (contrary to what the Intermax rep had told some residents about the HOA hindering their ability to bring the service to SLE), the board had only declined their request for a homeowner contact list to protect residents’ privacy. Instead, Gus shared their online survey in our FB group inviting residents to fill it out voluntarily. He also reported that the Intermax rep had been invited to the HOA meeting to answer questions given this is a topic of interest especially with the KEC work starting in June, but the rep was a no-show.
o Jana Anello asked to put school bus stops back where they used to be. VP, Gus Ferguson, said it’s not up to the HOA as buses don’t enter SLE + stops were always maintained by parents working with owners who agreed to keep them on their private property. Jana offered to paint if others built the stops + coordinated with owners. Gus invited them to.
o Residents including Rick Still + Erika Badore expressed interest in joining the HOA’s new FB group. Secretary, Tisha Dore, assures the group is private hosting only SLE residents. To connect there (we have 135 members so far, click on the link and enter your address for quick verification + approval):
o President, John O’Neil, also invited homeowners to check out the updated Spirit Lake East website, which Secretary, Tisha Dore, went over. There’s now a Contact page with all emails + phone number. Tisha said EMAIL IS BEST + FASTEST. Most pages have been refreshed and all documents + maps are now available for immediate access/download without permissions. She confirmed with one resident that new builds do need approval.
The Architecture Form, on the Building Information page under the HOA tab, must be filled out/submitted. The Timber Exemption form is on the Timber Exemption page under the HOA tab as well. All financial reports, balance sheets and the 2022 audit are under Financial Reports (also accessible from the HOA tab on the homepage). Visit the new website here and let us know what else you’d like to see!
- Motion to adjourn the meeting at: 7:47pm by: Tisha Dore Seconded the motion: Everyone Else
- Meeting was adjourned at: 7:47pm