CDA Entrance Graded, First Pass

Tues, Mar 4th, 8:30pm - Good evening, SLE. As many of you may have already seen, today the entrance to CDA was graded as well as possible. This was only a first pass and the very beginning of our work due to the road still being frozen just a couple of inches below the surface (pictured here).

This is why we have to wait and it happens every spring.

As of now, even with the higher temps lately, we can only grade the areas that got rock in Nov/Dec. This is where we’ll start while continuing to make passes at the entrances, as needed.

Other areas will have to wait until we are completely thawed out because If we attempt to grade in those spots, we will expose the frost, and that will turn everything into mud.

This is a process and we ask for your continued patience as we slowly begin the spring cleanup as conditions allow.

It will be a couple of weeks before we are able to fully grade the entire community.

However, with the warmer temps continuing this week, we will be bringing in some rock on Thurs/Fri to take care of the most in need areas first. We will then grade the other spots that got rock in Nov/Dec and don’t need more rock now.

I want to address questions around how we use rock.

There are many areas in our community that do not have enough rock, which makes grading ineffective. So rock is not simply distributed to have more rock on the road, but to allow for grading, and the filling and compaction of potholes.

Also, just as we did before snow came, we’ll be once again incorporating higher-quality granite with many sharp edges to grip the road. This is more expensive but worth the investment as this material binds better to the road.

We are being strategic with this investment.

I’ll update you again once our Thurs/Fri project is complete. Please watch out for the trucks and grader on those days and continue to drive with caution in these changing conditions.

Thanks and have a great night.


First Phase Spring Cleanup…


About CDA Entrance…