First Phase Spring Cleanup…

Thurs, Mar 6th, 6:30pm - Hello, everyone, as most of you probably noticed on your drive in this evening, more road work was done today on CDA, and began on St. Joe and Liberty.

Two trucks ran all day distributing a total of 18 loads of the higher-quality granite base in the areas most in need. Those roads were then graded as well.

Some spots on St. Joe that didn’t need more rock and had enough already were also graded.

Again, this is a process. It’s going to take weeks for the ground to completely thaw and all roads graded in our community as conditions allow.

Thanks for your ongoing patience and understanding. I’ll continue to keep you updated as each phase of spring clean-up work is scheduled and completed.

While I know warmer weather and a smoother ride in the neighborhood may inspire speeds to increase, please be aware of how it impacts our roads, and the safety of all.

Have a great night.


CDA Entrance Graded, First Pass