The Minutes


Date: September 11, 2023

Location: Tisha Dore’s Home


Board Members in Attendance:  John O’Neil (President), Gus Ferguson (VP), Marilyn Rousher (Treasurer), Tisha Dore (Secretary) + Vern Peters and Corrie Piper (Members at Large)


Quorum: YES

Call to Order: 6:30pm

Minutes from the last meeting: Accepted (Marilyn Rousher motioned, Corrie Piper seconded)


Treasurer’s Report:       

Current in checking account:      $      50,732.10

Current in savings account:        $    110,472.68

Current in petty cash account:   $           201.00

Total in bank accounts:              $    161,405.78


Delinquent Accounts: We still have 17, but there’s been progress on payment plans. Liens are being placed on the remaining owners who have been unresponsive or defaulted on approved payment plans. Behind on your dues? Send payment ASAP or contact Marilyn Rousher, at For more on payments + donations (mailing address + PayPal info):


Motion to accept Treasurer Report by: Gus Ferguson    

Motion Seconded by: Vern Peters


ARC Report: Jon Dore is our new ARC Committee Chair. Jon brings to the committee 20+ years of experience as a general contractor, and will now be leading the review + approvals of builds in SLE. There are no new builds to report. Contact Jon with questions at Learn more about building in SLE and find the Architectural Form here:


Motion to accept ARC Report by: Gus Ferguson             

Motion Seconded by: Marilyn Rousher


Timber Report: Timber Chair, Gus Ferguson, is working with SLE HOA Secretary, Tisha Dore, on a new form for commercial logging. Contact him with timber questions at Also, here’s the Timber Exemption form for property taxes, filing with the county:


Motion to accept Timber Report by:  Vern Peters          

Motion Seconded By: Tisha Dore


Roads Report: President, John O’Neil reported that Roads Committee Chair, Joe Sandbank, is still working to hire a replacement CDL driver. He also requested 10hrs for maintenance on the shop rigs, which has now been approved. Vern Peters asked if we’ve got sand ready + snowplow crew established for winter. John confirmed we have a good amount of sand to start and the new CDL driver will be plowing as well. Corrie Piper asked about the road base and the size of rock being used. She also noted that some of the new base is now on the sides of the roads. John and Gus said that Joe + crew are still in the process of rebuilding the roads including the crown in the road, and more rock is needed. More details on this will be provided in the upcoming Fall newsletter as well as on Facebook + SLE website. Email questions to More info + the roads form can be found here:


Motion to Accept the Roads Report: Gus Ferguson         Motion Seconded By:  Tisha Dore

Welcome Committee: Corrie Piper is the new Welcome Committee Chair. As an SLE HOA Member at Large, and long-time resident of the community, Corrie is highly qualified for the position. She looks forward to welcoming new residents and will share more about her plans soon. For now, Marilyn has given Corrie the welcome letter template. Contact Corrie at New homeowners who have not yet registered with the HOA, please visit + fill-out the form at:


Motion to Accept Welcome Report: Vern Peters            

Motion Seconded By: Marilyn Rousher




-        Newsletter

o   Fall edition is in the works, board members went over possible topics for submission.

o   Vern Peters will write a Winter prep check-list (items to be done in Fall before it snows).

o   Gus to submit a forest mgmt. article (reminder + tips for Fall, also in prep for Winter).

o   Homeowners: To cut costs + save time, please provide an email address so that we can reduce the amount of people who need a hardcopy newsletter mailed to them. To provide your email for this (or update your email address) contact:


-        Kelso & Liberty + Other Street Signs

o   President, John O’Neil, has priced-out signs. Road Signs = approx. $55. Stop Sign = $72.50. One-way = $65. Order will be placed shortly in green to keep with the natural landscape.


-        Purging Old Files

o   Treasurer, Marilyn Rousher, will get back to us about when we can help her to dispose of files older than the agreed-upon current year + 7yrs back (when it’s cooler, burn season).


-        Search For New Grader – The search continues. Vern Peters has a lead, will let us know.


Motion to Accept Old Business: Gus Ferguson               

Motion Seconded By:  Tisha Dore





-        Fundraising For Grader

$23,000 from sale of dump truck

$5,500 from unused shop equipment sale

$ 4,040 ($1,200/mo for July/Aug/Sept KEC shop rent + $440 for June partial rent)

$ 385 from homeowner donations (an additional $50 added in Sept, thank you!)


$ 32,925 Total set aside for road grader


-        KEC Work

o   Gus is checking with KEC on chain, lock and potential delays from the recent fires.


-        Avista

o   Some residents near the powerlines received notice re: work to be done soon by Avista.

o   We’ve seen workers, but await an update from Lois Tarnowski who couldn’t attend.


-        Semi-Annual Meeting

o   Booked The Commons at Timberlake High School, $52.20 fee approved/paid.

o   Meeting to be held for all SLE homeowners on Tues, Nov 14, 2023, 6:30-8:00pm.


-        Board Elections

o   There are no HOA board elections until May 2024, but given lead time for nominations, and possible due date by the semi-annual meeting, we want to start planning.

o   Secretary, Tisha Dore, will head this up, and we can discuss further at the Oct meeting.


Motion to Accept New Business:  John O’Neil                             Motion Seconded By: Marilyn Rousher


-        Motion to adjourn at: 7:24pm by: Marilyn Rousher        

Motion seconded by:  Gus Ferguson


-        Meeting was adjourned at:  7:25pm

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The Minutes


The Minutes