The Minutes
Date: February 6, 2023
Location: John O’Neil’s home
Board Members in Attendance: John O'Neil, Gus Ferguson, Marilyn Rousher, Lois Tarnowski, Tisha Dore
Quorum: YES
Call to Order: 6:34pm
Minutes from the last meeting: Unanimously accepted as written
Treasurer’s Report
Current in checking account: $ 55,939.58
Current in savings account: $ 79,470.80
Current in petty cash account: $ 201.00
Total in bank accounts: $135,611.38
Treasurer’s Report (presented by Marilyn Rousher): Unanimously accepted as written
ARC & Timber Report: Gus Ferguson (VP) reported an inquiry from a couple looking to purchase land on Coeur d’Alene Drive (no lot number provided at this point). With initial questions answered by ARC Committee Chair, Chandryce Hanson,re: home-building on the land, Gus will now refer them to Treasurer, Marilyn Rousher, who would handle any title requests, if they should move forward with the purchase.
Road Report: Road Committee Chair, Joe Sandbank, went over ice removal and sanding in key areas. The board confirmed that more sand was approved + ordered, per Joe’s earlier request, as we are now totally out of sand from this latest job. Joe strongly recommends the HOA purchase a new grader. He says this must be done soon as we’ll eventually need to rent one which would not be cost-effective. Joe estimates that a new grader will cost $60-80k but said he can shop around with various brokers to get the best deal when we are ready to move forward, but first, he hopes to sell the old HOA grader + dump truck (below).
Sale Of SLE Equipment: To help off-set the cost of a new grader, Joe received the board’s earlier approval to put up for sale the HOA’s old grader + dump truck. He is working to find a buyer and get the best price. The board agrees purchasing a new grader is a high priority that must be done soon, regardless. Community donations are also encouraged and will soon be invited on the website + social media.
New Secretary: The board welcomed Tisha Dore as the new HOA Secretary and Webmaster.
New HOA Member At Large: The board welcomed Corrie Piper as a HOA Member At Large.
Annual Report Filing Status: To avoid unnecessary charges, the board has agreed to file its annual report in June when annual reports have been traditionally filed. There will be a reminder of the upcoming filing in the April minutes as a heads-up to residents that the report will be upcoming on schedule in June.
Website: Tisha is in the process of updating the SLE HOA website. She says that while the current focus is on making sure that all info is current and web emails find the correct board teams for more timely response, she recommends as a next-step to move the website to a more modern platform this Summer when the annual hosting subscription expires in July. The board agreed this should be done as the current website is run on WordPress, which is an outdated platform, and a deterrent for future web volunteers. The goal is to make the website more useful and interactive with real-time updates re: roads, etc.
Newsletter: As part of the board’s efforts to increase communication and interactivity with residents, HOA Member At Large, Lois Tarnowski, has agreed to take on the task of bringing the newsletter back to SLE. Lois will be responsible for writing, edits/approvals while Tisha will manage the list and email distribution.
Treasurer’s Budget – Marilyn shared with the board the latest 2023 budget along with copies of budgets from the previous two years for comparison. The 2023 budget is quite similar to the previous budgets. Marilyn noted there will, of course, be changes as we move forward throughout the year especially given items discussed previously including the purchase of a new grader + potential sale of old equipment.
Mechanic Expenditures – The Sterling (yellow truck) has been over-heating. The board has approved one hour with the mechanic to run a diagnostic exam, assess the problem.
Missing Street Signs – The board discussed the issue of stolen WRONG WAY street signs at the round-abouts and how this poses a hazard. While attendees agreed the ONE-WAY signs suffice for most residents, the main concern is for new residents and non residents including work + delivery trucks. The board has agreed to replace the WRONG WAY signs and install them more securely.
Motion to adjourn the meeting at: 7:50pm by: John O’Neil Seconded the motion: Marilyn Rousher
Meeting was adjourned at: 7:50pm