The Minutes
Spirit Lake East HOA Board Meeting
Date: Aug 15, 2022 Time: 6:30 PM
Location: Spirit Lake East HOA Shop
Board members and officers in attendance:
Maureen Evans, Jeremy Skinner, Gus Ferguson, Marilyn Rousher, Lois Tarnowski
Committee Chairs in attendance:
Joe Sandbank with Brian Chandler
Quorum: Yes
- Call to order 6:30 PM - President, Jeremy Skinner
- Minutes from prior meeting reviewed and unanimously accepted as written
- Treasury report read by Marilyn Rousher and unanimously accepted as written
- ARC or Timber reports – nothing to report
- Road report – no report but will be addressed in New Business
Old Business
- Shop supplies for winter were discussed.
o Unanimous vote to purchase 90 tons of sand for $800 with a $500 delivery fee. This amount of sand will last more than one year.
o Unanimous yes vote to approve diesel mechanic at $125 hr for 10 hours to review equipment and provide immediate maintenance needed for winter use. Total expense approved: $1250.00
- Additional Items:
o Road Committee chair to research new blade for grader
o Road Committee to monitor diesel fuel prices and fill diesel tanks when prices decrease. (Prices were over $5 per gallon at time of meeting and HOA had enough fuel to last through September)
General Maintenance:
- Missing and falling signs
o CDA/Priest River stop sign is overgrown. Road crew will cut back the over-growth
o Stop sign at Fernan needs to be fixed
o Stop sign at Liberty and Kelso needs to be replaced
o Speed limit sign on CDA drive needs to be replaced
It was decided it would be best to reach out to the community for volunteers to assist with the sign maintenance. Gus agreed to work with member Vern Peters on posting requests for volunteers and Lois Tarnowski agreed to be the coordinator for any volunteers that responded to the post.
- Dogs barking
o Owners have been notified. It was decided by the board that any neighbors disturbed by barking dogs, etc. need to contact the Sheriff's Office as the HOA Officers should not put themselves in a possibly dangerous position by confronting residents directly. The HOA can send a letter to the offending resident informing them of the complaint.
Motion to accept old business as discussed and move on to New Business. Unanimously approved.
New Business
Items Discussed:
- Brian Chandler to be added to board email so he can better informed regarding road issues.
- John Williams is created a group email address for Members at Large
- Brian Chandler will create a list of signs that need to be fixed and replaced and what signs we currently have, as well as those we need to purchase
- The signs will be set properly so they last longer and the HOA will purchase theft proof bolts so signs are not so easily stolen.
- The HOA will post a notice to FB and the website asking residents to give at least a 1 week notice if they are going to oil the road in front of their property. This is so the Road crew can fix any potholes before that.
- The HOA will post a notice to residents that if they oil without notifying the Board and the resident does not want their road graded, they must fix the potholes, if any. If the potholes are not repaired by the resident, then the HOA will grade the road.
- The HOA has some ecology blocks at the end of SLE on Fernan. A non-SLE resident was going to move the blocks onto their property. Gus was going to research the ownership of the blocks and if SLE owned, work with the road crew to move the blocks back into place in SLE.
- A possible parking area for parents to use at the St. Joe entrance during school season was discussed. No plans were made.
Meeting Adjourned 7:30 pm