The Minutes, December 2024
Hello, and Happy Friday, SLE. Below are The Minutes from our December meeting. As always, all minutes can be found on the minutes page here on the website, but can also be found below!
Date: December 11, 2024
Location: Cup of Grace
Board Members Attending: John O’Neil, Gus Ferguson (via Phone), Rebecca Morales, David Petersen, James Stover, and Tisha Dore
Quorum: YES
Call to Order: 5:57pm
Minutes from the last meeting: Accepted (Motioned by: Tisha Dore, Seconded by: James Stover)
Board Membership Update: Sandi Nichols placed her property on the market on Nov. 27, 2024. As a result, she is no longer eligible to serve on the Board, per the Bylaws (see footnote at the end of meeting mins). Sandi was notified via email of the forfeiture on Nov. 29, 2024. In response, Sandi submitted to the Board her letter of resignation on Dec. 5, 2024. The Board thanks Sandi for her service to our community, and wishes she and her husband, Jeff, all the best on their next life chapter + adventure.
Per the Bylaws, which allow surviving Board Members to vote-in new Board members to fill vacant seats, as needed [as long as candidates can secure a majority vote among those surviving members], a new Board member was voted-in to fill the vacated seat (see footnote at the end of the meeting mins).
The Board vacancy has been filled by SLE homeowner, James Stover, who has been living in our community for more than three years. He is a self-employed electrician. James holds an MBA and we’re excited for him to bring his business sense + entrepreneurial spirit to the Board. Welcome to Team SLE, James!
Additionally, HOA President, John O’Neil, proposed a change in leadership, motioning for David Peterson to assume the role of President while John take-over David’s Member at Large position. John has been SLE HOA President for over two years. While he wishes to continue his term, John believes it’s time for someone new to take the helm, and specifically, David Petersen, as he is fresh to the Board, and already demonstrating strong leadership, team-building and communication skills. Rebecca seconded the motion, and the rest of the Board voted yes, including Brendan by proxy. We now have a new President.
THANK YOU, John, for your all of your hard-work and dedicated service to the role of SLE HOA President. Your thoughtful efforts to ensure continuity of leadership are greatly appreciated. Welcome, John, to Member at Large, and welcome, David, to your new role as President! David invited to take over meeting.
Treasurer’s Report:
Current in checking account: $ 18,313.52
Current in savings account: $ 21,395.31
Current in petty cash account: $ 201.00
Total in bank accounts: $ 39,909.83
3 lots owe on multiple years – Liens against their property have been recorded with Kootenai County.
1 lot owes on this and last year – Lien against their property has been recorded with Kootenai County.
2 lot owners owe dues for this year and monthly finance charges will only continue to accumulate.
22 owners representing nearly $8K are now current, down from 28 delinquent accounts + nearly $11K, but 6 homes representing $3,647 in unpaid dues is still far too much for a small private community.
Rebecca raised the issue of a dues increase. Per the CC&Rs, the Board may vote to increase dues up to a maximum of 3% annually (see footnote at the end of meeting mins). Given dues were not increased for many years including once for 13 years in a row to compensate for the SBA Loan voted-in by the membership in the late 90’s, which folded into dues—and will finally come to an end in 2025 for the few remaining homes still owing on it—the Board agreed a dues increase is needed for 2025 as we remain far behind the basic rate of inflation. Gus motioned for dues to be increased by the full 3% from $257.49 ($21.46/mo) to $265.21 ($22.10/mo). Tisha seconded and the rest of the board voted in favor.
********** The 2025 dues will be $265.21 ($22.10/mo) **********
Rebecca says that beyond expenses to maintain our roads, our second biggest expense is insurance, which is absolutely necessary and protects us all, but noted that a periodic check on policies + pricing is needed.
That said, Rebecca reported updates to our insurance policies. She removed the old grader from our coverage since the sell date. During her call, Rebecca also inquired about the requirement of plow drivers needing CDL’s (commercial drivers’ licenses, just to check on any possible savings for the HOA). She inquired with IDT too. Yes, CDL’s are a must. She also gave an updated employee list to our insurance co.
Behind on your dues? Send payment ASAP or contact Rebecca Morales, at For more info on payments + donations (mailing address + PayPal):
Motion to accept Treasurer Report by: James Stover
Motion Seconded by: John O’Neil
Roads Report: Joe Sandbank has handed the role of Road Chair to Jon Dore but we are NOT LOSING JOE. He’s just moving into the role of Lead Operator so he can focus solely on our roads + vehicle maintenance. Jon will support + coordinate with Joe and crew as well as report to the Board + community members. This partnership allows both Joe and Jon to serve the community by doing what each does best.
Jon Dore has 30 years of experience in construction including roads and base compaction for residential, commercial and government projects. He not only brings to the Road Chair position extensive expertise but his ability to communicate + work with trades as a superintendent + project manager since 1994.
Jon has been serving in a support role with the Road Crew since early 2022. He works well with Joe + team. He also led the wrap-up of the Intermax road construction project including job-site meetings with project manager + sub, communication w/ Joe + Gus, and driving the roads with grader operator and homeowner, Jake Sandbank. Jon negotiated the final phase work on that project and the $1k donation for incidentals.
Jon: As was said at the semi-annual meeting, our roads have been through a lot over the last 18 mo’s including two big projects to modernize with safer infrastructure in SLE. It's going to take time for them to become more stable with more materials + grading. Apologies + thanks in advance for your patience.
The roads were graded until it was no longer possible due to frozen ground. Other options were discussed among industry experts, and attempts were made to test-out using the ripper on the hardest-hit areas but it’s simply not worth it. Joe and Jon agreed more road base was needed not only to help with the potholes but to be easier on the plows once snow comes + get a jump on prepping roads for spring thaw.
Based on Jon’s recommendations prior to the meeting, the board approved approximately $6K for base. Fifteen loads went down on St. Joe, CDA + Liberty, Dec. 5-6th. Joe won’t charge for grading, trucking only. An additional $6k was approved for base on the roughest spots of lower Kelso, Newman, Tahoe, and possibly Hayden, as the other roads are in greater need. Newman + Tahoe were completed on Dec 11th, and Kelso + more of St. Joe was done on Dec. 12th.
After road work was completed on Dec. 5-6th, Jon spoke with Joe about our use of base from CDA Rock. He wanted to know why we go to Hayden for road base. Joe said that while base is cheaper there, the only reason he’s been going to Hayden for road base is because that’s where the HOA has an account.
He says, back then, it was figured by the Treasurer that even if trucking fees were higher, the cheaper road base at CDA Rock would still result in some savings. But, per Jon, Joe said pre-meeting that he doesn’t like to waste time, just thought CDA Rock remained the HOA’s preference to save money where possible. Joe would rather be more productive, get back to full-paying clients, said he’d love to use a closer option.
From Joe’s suggestion, Jon called Basin in Athol. It’s definitely more expensive for 3/4” crushed base 53 ($11.50 per ton vs. $8.95) but their base is higher quality. It’s from a solid granite quarry that must be drilled + blasted then crushers make granite fines with quartz, mica and shale, resulting in sharp, fractured edges to hold in place better on our roads. So, per Jon’s recommendation, the Board agreed to test-out Basin for Dec 11-12th work on Newman, Tahoe, Kelso and some on St. Joe, to see how trucking fees come down with faster turn-around from Athol. Then, based on that test, we’d consider use of Basin in Spring.
Jon also wanted to go over chain of command. Everything goes through Jon who coordinates with Joe. Joe (and secondarily, Jon) will book crew. A crew list will be provided to the Board for general understanding, but please don’t contact crew members. That will be managed by Joe and Jon. Contact Jon with any questions or ideas. Post-meeting clarification: Jon says if you’re familiar with construction, Joe is superintendent working w/ trades, I’m project manager working w/ super + client (homeowners).
Also, Jon spoke with Joe about possible need for sand soon with weather coming, particularly on Hayden on the down hills. An operator is booked for Saturday, if sand is needed for that section.
JON SAYS: PLEASE KEEP IT AT 15MPH, AND STAY OUT OF PUDDLES, IF YOU CAN DO SO SAFELY. This preserves our base and protects our roads. It’s also winter now, everyone should slow down regardless.
Jon is trying to get into a routine with more frequent reporting. To start, he’s posted updates on the website and FB private group + public FB alerts page. He also wants to clarify points from Nov. meeting.
From Nov. semi-annual meeting, there were some questions about “$61K for rock,” Jon wanted to clarify that meant for the rock distribution project, not just for road base. So, to be clearer, Jon said the Spring cleanup of our roads—the project from Feb through end of April—included all expenses from base (rock) and trucking to grading and fuel, which amounted to just under $62k. He points to the receipts online.
Per Joe (via Jon at the meeting), ALL ROADS GOT ROCK DURING SPRING CLEANUP OF OUR ROADS, and the most budget—in terms of both time + road base—went to Hayden and Liberty.
Also from semi-annual meeting, Jon wanted to follow up on question re: using a binder, mag chloride. We’ve researched this before, I’ve researched it again. IT’S TOO EXPENSIVE, NOT POSSIBLE ON BUDGET.
Fundraising continues for above-and-beyond items that do not fall under our existing budget such as the big picture project of putting the crown back in our roads + new grader accessories including the already approved chain package with ice cleats, which will cost approximately $5,600 with tax.
Please consider donating for these items. EVEN $20, $40, $50, $100 ADDS UP! This will help us to get the chain package + continue with the big picture project of crowning our roads. If you would like to mail a donation, a check is best (no fees). Mail to: P.O. Box 217, Spirit Lake, ID 83869 *Memo: Road Fund
$35,999 from sale of the old grader + dump truck
$ 5,500 from unused shop equipment sale
$12,440 ($1,200/mo for July 2023 – April 2024 KEC shop rent + $440 for June 2023 partial rent)
$ 9,020.03 from community + Intermax donation + advertising (THANK YOU, SLE + INTERMAX!)
Email Q’s to For roads form for reporting issues:
Motion to Accept the Roads Report: John O’Neil
Motion Seconded by: Gus Ferguson
ARC Report: John O’Neil was voted into the position of Architecture Chair when Jon Dore volunteered for (and was voted in as) Road Chair in late Nov. Prior to that, and during the transition made early this month Jon answered last questions for a pole barn build before making introductions to John O’Neil. Have building plans or questions? Email our new ARC Chair, John O’Neil, at Learn about building in SLE + find the Architectural Form for approvals here:
Motion to accept ARC Report by: James Stover
Motion Seconded by: Tisha Dore
Newsletter Report:
- Winter issue in progress: Plowing Protocol, Roads Update + Intermax Roll-out articles planned.
- Newsletters + SLE business ad Info can be found at:
- Proceeds from advertising in the newsletter + Facebook Group go to our Road Fund!
- Advertising is NOW OPEN to businesses beyond SLE. Pricing is different, has been posted.
- Also, if you’ve provided an email address, you can always find the quarterly newsletter in your email inbox (or junk). If you haven’t given an email address, you’ll get it in the mail.
- Homeowners: To cut costs + save time, please send us an email address so that we can reduce the amount of people who need a hardcopy newsletter mailed to them. To provide your email for this (or update your email address) contact:
Motion to accept Newsletter Report by: Rebecca Morales
Motion Seconded by: James Stover
Timber Report: VP, Gus Ferguson, says no new logging applications. While winter is taking a bit longer to get here he reminds to take advantage and prepare your properties. There are A LOT of fallen trees lining the roads of many properties that must be removed. Haul them out before it snows. If you want to offer up trees for firewood in exchange for someone hauling them away, and clearing them off your property, let us know! Brendan has a group that can help. Send timber/logging Q’s to: For links to the Commercial Logging + Timber Exemption Forms, visit:
Motion to accept Timber Report by: James Stover
Motion Seconded by: John O’Neil
Welcome Committee: No updates, info is out. New and have Q’s? Email If you have yet to register for HOA billing/mailings, use below link, but first, here’s an explanation of why. As properties change hands, it is important that we establish records for the current homeowner, and we don’t always get them from your title company. It also helps us to more easily verify that you’re indeed the new homeowner + approve your HOA Facebook group join requests because we field a lot of fakes. So, having your info ASAP protects you too. Fill-out the form:
Motion to Accept Welcome Report: Gus Ferguson
Motion Seconded by: Rebecca Morales
- Street Signs
o Liberty & CDA sign is missing and a new one is now on order (thank you, Brendan).
o We’re now working on options to address sign theft problem + focused on brush removal.
o David wanted to discuss moving the SLE sign at the entrance of CDA. He’s looking into it.
Motion to Accept Old Business: Tisha Dore
Motion Seconded by: James Stover
- KEC Project
o Crew energized all of the main line 3 phase wire that’s been installed (all worked well).
o They have now started transferring the load from overhead lines to the underground.
o Priest River is complete and they’ve started on St. Joe from 54, will work up to Spirit Dr.
o They have quite a bit of overhead work to do before it goes live, most recently on Kelso.
o They’ve installed 136,679 feet—which is approximately 25.88 miles— of cable in SLE.
o Then, in Spring, the poles will come down. Contact KEC if you want to keep your poles.
o Please watch out and be careful around their trucks. We want to keep everyone safe!
- Intermax Project
o Intermax is now installing fiber in as many homes as possible, will continue thru winter.
o They’re now setting up temp lines if additional trenching can’t happen until spring.
o There are tiered service offerings starting at just over $80, $100 and $130 per month.
o Call 208-676-0471 or visit to get in the queue!
- Board Elections
o HOA board elections in May 2025, nominations for the 3 spots now thru March 31st.
o Nominations may now be submitted online:
o Voting at May 2025 meeting or online (TBD), suggested two election chair candidates.
- IDT To Upgrade Entrances
o No updates: IDT’s 54 project (TBD 2025), will include repairing the SLE entrances.
o Our new webpage documenting all SLE HOA 2024 expenditures has gotten a few updates. Find it at the top of the Financial Reports page:
- HOA Phone
o Tisha checking on possible new free phone with Verizon service because the phone is very old, doesn’t work well, then she’ll give the phone to David, now that he’s President.
o The Board discussed deleting the private HOA group on FB despite its respectful use by a wide majority of homeowners who abide the rules posted. This is in response to ongoing trolling, harassment, and defamation of Board Members on FB + ND. A public one-way communication FB has been setup to cater to anyone who has been removed from the FB page while an assessment and further discussion could take place among the Board. Gus says the private FB group has vastly improved community connection + communication and votes to keep the group. David said let’s leave it where it is for now, more info is about to be shared, evaluation will continue. For now, follow public updates:
Motion to Accept New Business: Tisha Dore
Motion Seconded by: Gus Ferguson
- Motion to adjourn by: David Petersen
Motion Seconded by: John O’Neil
- Meeting was adjourned at: 7:15pm
*FOOTNOTE ON FORFEITURE OF BOARD SEAT – Per Bylaws, Article III, Section I: “All Members of the Board, and candidates for the Board, are required to have paid their dues for the last three years, or have been a resident for one year, not currently in litigation against the Association for any matter involving the By-Laws or CC&Rs, and at least one tract owned by the member shall not be for sale or in foreclosure. A Board member in conflict of any of the above conditions shall forfeit their position on the Board.”
*FOOTNOTE ON BOARD VOTING-IN NEW BOARD MEMBER – Per Bylaws, Article III, Section IV: If there is a vacancy at any time upon the Board of Directors, the same shall be filled by a vote of the surviving member or members of the Board. In the event that there is at some time no Director able to act in this connection, a new Board of Directors shall be appointed by [NOW DEFUNCT] Hanson Properties, Inc., a Washington corporation. If said corporation does not promptly appoint the new Board when needed, then the Board of Commissioners of Kootenai County, Idaho, shall have the power to name the Directors. Any new Board member named by said County Commissioners shall immediately call for a vote by the members to establish the members of the Board of this Association.”
*FOOTNOTE ON INCREASING DUES BY 3% – Per the CC&Rs, under Article II (Association), Section 4. Assessments, Part C: “Maximum Annual Assessment, until January 1, 1980, the maximum annual assessment shall be $100 per tract. After that date, the maximum annual assessment shall be increased each year to not more than three (3) percent of the maximum assessment for the previous year unless a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the membership authorizes a greater assessment.