Snow Day.
Fri, Jan 31, 7:30pm - Important Road Update
Hi SLE - Our Road Crew finished plowing earlier this evening. While it’s best to plow at night or very early morning with little to no vehicles on the road that was not possible today given the amount of snow we got.
This was followed by rain which complicates conditions and plowing. The wet snow is heavier too and did knock a single mailbox off its post on Liberty and Priest, which was put back up and reported by a neighbor (thank you). This would be a good time to check the fasteners on your mailboxes.
Now it’s snowing again. We will have a truck out tomorrow to bat clean-up. Then they’ll be sanding, so drive with caution, especially until more sand is distributed.
It typically takes about four hours running two trucks non-stop to plow SLE. Today took longer with traffic, including some vehicles speeding around our trucks.
Also, we understand when plowing your driveway that you may need to enter the road to complete the job. It’s much easier for homeowners to wake up to the Road Crew being finished with plowing, and then driveway cleanup is easier too.
Today it was more of a challenge for all and our operators want to thank everybody who did their best to safely maneuver their equipment out of the road when the plows were coming through.
Lastly, one of our operators was stopped on the road this evening by a well-meaning resident who got out of their truck and approached the plow truck cab to discuss with our crew member road maintenance and strategy that they are not involved with.
We appreciate everyone’s desire to help out but it’s unsafe for all involved. In addition, our operators are on the clock, and have a schedule to keep, and stopping them does make a longer day even longer, which ultimately, costs ALL OF US more.
If you have feedback, I’m happy to take it, and look forward to hearing from you. Please email me directly at
That’s it for now. Thanks, drive safe, and have a great night.
Fri, Jan 31, 11:00am
Hello, SLE. The roads will be plowed this afternoon. We’ve had little snow so we are treating it like our first of the season to have a good base. Rain may switch up our plans/timing. I’ll keep you posted.
Reminder: It is normal for your driveway to have a berm once plowing is done. That is the responsibility of homeowners to manage.
Also, while the plow trucks get as close to mailboxes as they can, it is ultimately on homeowners to clear a path for our postal delivery person. She says it’s been hardest to deliver mail on Liberty after it snows.
Mailboxes around the community that are in a row and not near the homes they serve are often in need of more attention. Please take a look, and see what you can do, if you’re able to help.
I’ll update this post once plowing is done this afternoon. Thanks for driving slow and safe and have a great weekend.