Roads Update + Towing

Hello SLE. Just a quick update…Road Crew sanded again yesterday (Thurs, 1/9). So, we should be good through the weekend.

We still have sand. But we will replenish our supply next week to be sure we’re always ready.

Also, I’m sure you’ve been following the posts about the abandoned car on Liberty near the intersection with Priest. This has been a greater challenge than usual. We typically call the non emergency line, and they contact the owner, and they deal with it. This time, no owner is coming, and we can’t get it tagged.

This is an issue periodically because we are a private community, and laws are changing, which make it more difficult to remove them without an owner or law enforcement involved.

That said, we are now contracted with a towing company, so when all other efforts fail, we can have a vehicle towed.

Eleven signs (the absolute minimum we can get away with and remain legal) are now up at four entrances as well as key intersections and roundabouts. They’ve been placed on some road sign posts but mostly on the backs of stop signs.

Now that the signs are up, we must wait 24hrs to tow that car tomorrow at 10am. Just FYI it’s about to be removed and thanks for your patience and understanding.

With this new program in place it will be much easier to deal with these things in a more timely manner in the future.

UPDATE: It was $192.39 with tax to place the signs. We negotiated stipulations so most owners will be responsible for towing. If it’s not collected within 60 days after the tow co. does its due diligence the vehicle will be auctioned off.

As always, all efforts will be made to track down an owner or make additional requests for tagging based on trespass, illegal dumping, etc., depending on the situation and potential costs involved, so the HOA pays out the absolute least as possible for any vehicles that don’t fall under the owner’s responsibility but most will.

However, we usually can track down an owner, so this is only in place for when there is no other course.

If you break down, leave a note. If there’s a delay, leave a note with contact info or email us (below). We are not going to immediately tow vehicles unless it’s a hazard and emergency services can’t get through in which case we will need to tow more quickly. But, we will tow within 24hrs if we have no note or way to track you down. Most of the time these vehicles do not belong to a resident, though.

Have a great weekend and please drive safe. If you need to reach me, email

Thanks, Jon.


Sanding, Towing, etc.


The Minutes, January 2025