The Minutes


Date: October 8, 2024

Location: Tisha Dore’s Home

Board Members Attending: Gus Ferguson (via Zoom), Rebecca Morales, Sandi Nichols, and Tisha Dore

Quorum: YES

Call to Order: 6:00pm

Minutes from the last meeting: Accepted (Motioned by: Rebecca Morales, Seconded by: Gus Ferguson)


Board Membership Update: Lois Tarnowski has resigned from the board. She wishes to thank everyone—present and past board members—with whom she’s had the pleasure of working. As a long-time resident, Lois’ wisdom and perspective have been invaluable to us on the board. She brought back to life the SLE newsletter that many may not know she also worked on for several years way back when. So, this wonderful resource and labor of love will always be considered Lois’ legacy and gift to a community she and her family have called home for 26 years. Lois has offered to be of assistance to the board whenever her long-timer insight may be needed. Thank you, Lois, for your incredible service. You’ll be sorely missed. While the Fall issue of the newsletter was already finalized and in the pipeline for distribution, the board has unanimously agreed that the next (winter) issue should be dedicated to her. THANKS AGAIN, LOIS!


[Amended 10/10/24: It was agreed by Pres., VP and Treasurer that Lois would be removed as a bank signer and SLE Secretary, Tisha Dore, would be added. Signers completed the change at the bank on 10/11/24.] 


Treasurer’s Report:

Current in checking account:                  $   22,669.71

Current in savings account:                    $   21,308.96

Current in petty cash account:               $         201.00

Total in bank accounts:                          $   44,179.67


The Old Grader Has Sold

As we've been sharing in the board meeting minutes and through social media over the last few months, now that we have the new grader, the old grader needed to move on to greener pastures. It was not big or powerful enough to use any longer (even as a back-up) on our 60 lane miles of road, which would've required that we continue to insure + maintain (including hard-to-find parts) a rig we'd likely not use again. That would not be fiscally responsible. She’s now found a new home + sold at the full-price of $12,999.00 (including accessories). Thanks to all who helped make this happen, most notably VP, Gus Ferguson!



3 lots owe on multiple years – Liens against their property have been recorded with Kootenai County.

1 lot owes on this and last year – Lien against their property has been recorded with Kootenai County.

7 lot owners owe dues for this year and monthly finance charges will only continue to accumulate.


17 owners representing nearly $6K are now current, down from 28 delinquent accounts + nearly $11K, but 11 homes representing $4,810.06 in unpaid dues is still a lot for a small private community.



Behind on your dues? Send payment ASAP or contact Rebecca Morales, at For more info on payments + donations (mailing address + PayPal):


Motion to accept Treasurer Report by: Gus Ferguson     

Motion Seconded by:  Tisha Dore

Roads Report: Our Roads Chair, Joe Sandbank, could not attend but provided his input in advance. The Road Crew has been busy preparing our roads for winter. Presently, they are focused not just on grading the roads, but cutting-in gutters in key areas. Last week, the Road Crew graded from the CDA entrance all the way to Priest River intersection, and pitched ditches that whole length. Then, from CDA round-about, Liberty was graded and ditched to the end, except for two areas where Intermax crews were still working.

Our Road Crew continues to collaborate with Intermax and its subs by phone, email and on the road. Gus is in regular communication with the project manager who added us to the internal email chain with subs. Earlier this week, Gus strongly responded to an update from the one sub that has fallen behind and gave us a new target of Nov. for completion of their latest phase. Gus said that the agreement was end of Sept. at the latest, and while there was some last-round clean-up expected in early Oct., Nov. will be too late. Gus then spoke with the Intermax PM who agreed that the sub’s new target is not workable, and promised to stay on them to prioritize clean-up of areas where lines are installed rather than on further installations.

Safety was also discussed. Our Road Crew continues to experience drivers passing the grader, some even at high speeds, and on blind curves. Please don’t do that. It’s dangerous for all involved. Please be careful around all the heavy equipment + crews in our community right now. Time is of the essence to prepare for the colder months. So, please watch out, and don’t pass, and SLOW DOWN. Leave early if you have to. Thanks to all who drive slowly and safely in here every day. We know most do and it’s greatly appreciated!

Edges for our new grader were purchased last week. Thanks to the Road Crew for getting a deal on these and the bolts needed for installation ($1,600). Also, it was agreed via email prior to the meeting that edges, which are included in our existing budget for the usual maintenance + repairs, don’t need a vote. We can’t grade without them, so they may continue to be purchased as needed, without a vote.

That said, fundraising continues for above-and-beyond items that do not fall under our existing budget such as the big picture project of putting the crown back in our roads + new grader accessories including the already approved chain package with ice cleats, which will cost approximately $5,600 with tax.

Please consider donating for these items. The new grader is here, so you know your donation will go to good use right now, and not years from now. EVEN $20, $40, $50 ADDS UP! This will help us to get the chain package + continue with the big picture project of crowning our roads. A check is best (no fees):

SLE HOA – P.O. Box 217, Spirit Lake, ID 83869 *Memo: Road Fund



$23,000 from sale of dump truck

$  5,500 from unused shop equipment sale

$12,440 ($1,200/mo for July 2023 – April 2024 KEC shop rent + $440 for June 2023 partial rent)

$  6,920.03 from community (THANK YOU SO MUCH, SPIRIT LAKE EAST!)



Again, PLEASE SLOW DOWN. It damages the roads + costs us money. Leave early, if needed. THANK YOU!

Email Q’s to For roads form for reporting issues:

Motion to Accept the Roads Report: Rebecca Morales               

Motion Seconded by: Sandi Nichols

ARC Report: No new inquiries. If you have building plans or questions, email ARC Chair, Jon Dore, at Learn about building in SLE + find the Architectural Form for approvals here:


Motion to accept ARC Report by: Sandi Nichols                        

Motion Seconded by: Gus Ferguson


Newsletter Report:


-        The Fall issue is the last to be managed by our fearless Editor & Member at Large, Lois Tarnowski.

-        Tisha coordinated Intermax ads in newsletter (4 issues) + FB (monthly, 1yr). Rebecca invoiced.

-        Intermax submitted article, so Gus is holding off on Intermax update story until Winter Edition.

-        Held off on Plowing Protocol article until Winter Edition, Dirt Bike Safety until Summer Edition.

-        Sandi has local business contacts who are interested in advertising and she’s working on those.

-        Newsletters + SLE business ad Info can be found at:

-        Proceeds from advertising in the newsletter + Facebook Group go to our Road Fund!

-        Advertising is NOW OPEN to businesses beyond SLE. Pricing is different, has been posted.

-        Also, if you’ve provided an email address, you can always find the quarterly newsletter in your email inbox (or junk). If you haven’t given an email address, you’ll get it in the mail.

-        Homeowners: To cut costs + save time, please send us an email address so that we can reduce the amount of people who need a hardcopy newsletter mailed to them. To provide your email for this (or update your email address) contact:


Motion to accept Newsletter Report by: Rebecca Morales          

Motion Seconded by: Sandi Nichols


Timber Report: VP, Gus Ferguson, says there have been no new logging applications. But he reminds that winter is coming and work is needed by all homeowners to prepare. There are A LOT of fallen trees lining the roads of many properties that must be removed. Haul them out before it snows. If you want to offer up trees for firewood in exchange for someone hauling them away, and clearing them off your property, let us know! Brendan has a group that can help. Also, the burn ban is usually lifted on Oct. 20th but it has been extended this year. See burn permit link for updates:


Send timber/logging questions to: For links to the Commercial Logging + Timber Exemption Forms, visit:


Motion to accept Timber Report by: Sandi Nichols                     

Motion Seconded by: Rebecca Morales


Welcome Committee: Tisha is catching up on letters + little gifts to new residents. Now that it’s cooled down, these should all be distributed by end of next week once the newsletter and semi-annual meeting invites are out. Contact Tisha with questions at


If you have yet to register for HOA billing/mailings, use below link, but first, here’s an explanation of why. As properties change hands, it is important that we establish records for the current homeowner, and we don’t always get them from your title company. It also helps us to more easily verify that you’re indeed the new homeowner + approve your HOA Facebook group join requests because we field a lot of fakes. So, having your info ASAP protects you too. Fill-out the form:


Motion to Accept Welcome Report: Gus Ferguson                     

Motion Seconded by: Rebecca Morales




-        Street Signs

o   Now that it’s cooled down, more 15mph signs from shop will be installed on same posts.

o   Also, the sign at Blanchard + Hayden that has been tipped-over will soon be re-installed.

o   Liberty & CDA sign is missing and a new one is now on order (thank you, Brendan).

o   Brendan is heading up ordering of signs and will coordinate with Jon Dore on installs.


Motion to Accept Old Business: Sandi Nichols               

Motion Seconded by: Rebecca Morales




-        Signs in SLE (reminder from last meeting, in case anyone has missed it, will be removed in Nov.)

o   An issue has been raised about CC&R violations regarding SLE business owners posting signs on their property and around SLE to promote their businesses or side-hustles.

o   Many work from home now, and the CC&Rs allow agricultural businesses and others that are “compatible with the surrounding area” as long as approved by ARC, so it was concluded that the business signs posted around SLE are the only true violation.

o   In an effort to find a solution that will keep signs from continuing to appear around SLE (and encourage folks to remove theirs as well as those placed by their loggers + others), Tisha asked Susie Bratsch, host of, if SLE biz owners could share in that group IN MODERATION about their businesses FOR FREE as we cannot allow those posts in the HOA group, unless it’s paid ads for the Road Fund.

o   Rebecca suggested NextDoor + SLE Bulletin Boards as two additional free options. Please don’t take up the entirety of the bulletin boards. They’ll be refreshed as needed.

o   We did not want to enforce the sign rule without offering these three + free alternatives as a work-around so Tisha proposed that SLE Neighborhood serve as the official sister group of our HOA forum on FB, then there are both paid + free options for small business owners to promote their businesses in a more effective + compliant way.

o   If you have a sign above a business that CC&Rs have made allowances for such as an agricultural business or produce stand, for examples, let it be discreet, singular, and only on your property, and not posted all around your property or on neighboring properties.

o   Have a biz that may fall under “compatible with the area”? Email


-        KEC + Intermax Projects

o   KEC is burying the powerlines + Intermax is installing fiber Internet (see Roads Report).


-        IDT To Upgrade Entrances

o   No updates: IDT’s upcoming 54 project (TBD over the next year), will include repairing the SLE entrances + getting them up to code + new permitting (at no cost) now in place.




Motion to Accept New Business: Gus Ferguson             

Motion Seconded by: Sandi Nichols


-        Motion to adjourn by: Sandi Nichols                 

-        Motion Seconded by: Gus Ferguson

-        Meeting was adjourned at: 6:55pm

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The Minutes


The Minutes