The Minutes


Date: May 14, 2024

Location: Timberlake High School


Board Members in Attendance: John O’Neil (President), Gus Ferguson (VP), Rebecca Morales (Treasurer), Lois Tarnowski & Brendan Mills (Members at Large), and Tisha Dore (Secretary)

Quorum: YES

Call to Order: 6:25pm

Minutes from the last meeting: Accepted (Motioned by: Gus Ferguson   Seconded by: Lois Tarnowski)


WELCOME: We want to thank Kootenai County Sheriff, Robert Norris, and Fire Chief, Debbie Carpenter, for coming to our meeting + answering community questions (event highlights included on the last page). We have a lot to cover tonight. We can keep it interactive as long as we stay on schedule and then the last 30 mins will be open first for our HOA candidates on the ballot + write-ins, then last questions.

First, the emergency purchase of our new grader IS DONE & IT’S ALREADY IN USE. SLE now owns a 2006 14H CAT grader, which is the model we wanted, and on the high end of the date range we were looking for (prior to when more computers were added in 2010 that vastly increase cost of maintenance + repairs).

This clean, meticulously maintained machine replaces our 50-YEAR-OLD 1974 GRADER that cost us thousands a year in extensive repairs after every time we took it out. This wasted a ton of money + time as we had to move slowly when weather was good for grading + made minimal progress on those days.

The new grader was listed at $120K and negotiated to the construction company’s bottom line of $105K. What’s more, the grader was located in Montana with no sales tax, just hours away for delivery. Thanks to Roads Chair, Joe Sandbank, who coordinated delivery + permits in both states for only $900 (AT COST).

The $40K+ raised SO FAR was combined with savings to purchase the grader. We’ve also continued collecting from ILB shop rent (including in April) as work goes on to bury our powerlines. We’re now negotiating a transfer of that agreement to the new contractor to help close the gap + replenish savings. The purchase will be further off-set by savings on repairs + maintenance (no more hard-to-find parts!) and reduced work hours now that we’ll be using efficient equipment. We’ll be sure to report on this savings.

This has been a long time coming and many past boards and road chairs have contributed to getting us here now that conditions are just right. For more information including repairs + maintenance records, and photos, visit For questions email

We are putting the old grader up for sale. She needs some love including a knuckle repair that requires heat-treatment but could still serve a farm or homestead. We’ll post first in our group and invite leads.


Now that she’s here, and you know your investment will go to directly benefit SLE TODAY, we hope you’ll contribute to not only be a part of covering the cost of this historic purchase, but also to keep the road base coming so that we can start IMPROVING our roads rather than just patching them up. We have a lockbox and donation envelopes here or you can pick up a stamped envelope at the same table + mail to:

SLE HOA – P.O. Box 217 – Spirit Lake, ID 83869 *Memo: Road Fund


$23,000 from sale of dump truck

$  5,500 from unused shop equipment sale

$12,440 ($1,200/mo for July-April KEC shop rent + $440 for June partial rent)

$  3,970.03 from donations (including $1,000 donation in April from a single homeowner as well as another  $700 additional from just three other homeowners in May so far, INCREDIBLE, THANK YOU!)


Treasurer’s Report:

Current in checking account:                  $   5,493.59

Current in savings account:                    $ 21,066.17

Current in petty cash account:               $       201.00

Total in bank accounts:                          $ 26,760.76




3 lots owe on multiple years – demand letters sent certified mail on 5/10 + liens to be placed on 6/30.

6 lots owe on this and last year – demand letters sent certified mail on 5/10 + liens to be placed on 6/30.

19 lot owners owe dues for this year and monthly finance charges will only continue to accumulate.






We’re also very excited to announce our new auditor, Heather Ana, who many know as Heather Polombo. She served on the board as Treasurer and in other roles over several years. She’s familiar with the process. We are THRILLED for her to step in this role starting with the 2024 books. THANKS & WELCOME, HEATHER!


Behind on your dues? Send payment ASAP or contact Rebecca Morales, at For more info on payments + donations (mailing address + PayPal):


Motion to accept Treasurer Report by: Gus Ferguson                

Motion Seconded by:  Tisha Dore


Roads Report: Most roads have been graded including the areas hit hardest by our wild winter including Hayden Drive. This was done with our 50-year-old grader on its last leg, which cost us a lot more than it would have if we’d owned an efficient grader (in hourly wages + road base + repairs), which is why an emergency purchase was so critically-needed. Now that we’re done with most seasonal repairs before the old grader died (including more than $61K in road base alone) and moving into the next phase of rebuilding the crown in our roads, the new grader is here, just in time. Please donate to be a part of this historic purchase + to keep road base coming. Donate $500 for a truckload + tell us where you want it!

One attendee asked about the base on the sides of the roads and if that could be captured + redistributed. Joe said that’s not always possible as there are some very large rocks in those piles. The attendee then asked but can’t the grader sift the large rock from the smaller. Joe said only to a certain extent and it also becomes an issue of money because it will cost more to spend the time trying to remove the rock in those areas when a truck load of base is $200. To clarify post-meeting, that’s not including discounted wages or fuel used, so a truckload of base distributed (AT COST) is $500.

The attendee said it's been piling up for years and Joe said this is why he doesn’t want to take the chance or spend more money to remove it (or damage the blade due to the big rock that’s in the old piles). Joe clarifies post-meeting that most of the material piled up on the side of the road is the WRONG ROCK.

THE ROCKS ARE ROUND (from when the Road Crew made their own base at the shop through a screen). He said, those round rocks don’t compact, they just come apart. Other areas with new base pushed to the side by the old grader is retrieved where possible and only if it makes sense (in time + money). Even then, he clarifies it’s just a temporary fix that needs to be covered by a fresh load of new base to lock in place.

Want to oil your roads? Gus said be sure that KEC’s contractors will not be burying lines by you first. Given the lead times of Lyman’s + other companies, this will be challenging to coordinate around KEC this year.

Post-meeting, we remind to SLOW DOWN. It damages the roads + costs us money. It’s also DUSTY. Going over 15mph creates far more dust. Leave early + mind your dust and talk to your kids about slowing down.

Email Q’s to For roads form for reporting issues:

Motion to Accept the Roads Report: Rebecca Morales               

Motion Seconded by: Tisha Dore


ARC Report: Jon said he had the easiest job of the night as there are no new builds to report. If you have building plans (or questions to prep), contact ARC Chair, Jon Dore, at Learn about building in SLE + find the Architectural Form for approvals here:


Motion to accept ARC Report by: Lois Tarnowski                        

Motion Seconded by: Gus Ferguson


Timber Report: VP, Gus Ferguson, reminded of fire season prep (and attendees now have the hand-out for this from the Fire Chief distributed earlier which we’ll post online). He reminds that any logging in SLE must be board-approved after applying online in writing. One attendee asked about their form submitted. Gus promised to get back to her shortly. He then asked Tisha to check on the form as there is a third-party app that should be forwarding the Google Form notifications + Gus monitors his email daily. They’ve since agreed to start checking the form each week while Tisha works to determine why the app isn’t forwarding.


John then reminded everyone that we need to be careful not to haul-out logs when the roads are muddy. For new folks, this is called Spring Breakup when winter is ending and ice on the roads is no longer solid but melting + breaking up, and road conditions aren’t optimal for heavy loads. This is when heavy trucks (especially logging trucks) are restricted from using many roads when the signs are up, so they tend to switch to jobs in private communities like SLE, which can’t enforce the same laws.


This was a general comment only as we’re trying to get the word out after this odd winter, which severely impacted our roads, and seeing there is room for improvement of our processes by which we manage logging through different years + conditions. So, to clarify, we want to educate on this as much as we can.


One attendee then said that they had followed their trucks out from their property, there was no damage to the roads, and she’d been bullied. John said the comment was not directed at them but to educate SLE. The homeowner asked then what do we do if we’re at the mercy of the loggers (and when they haul-out) once a contract is signed. John said something to the effect of contact us + we can see what we can do.


It is important to note post-meeting that communication is everything in this situation.


Gus clarifies that if your logger notifies you that contracted work will begin when you’re concerned it may be too early to haul-out (not to cut—cutting is fine—it’s the hauling out that is the issue), please call or email, and we’d be happy to speak with them to see if we can negotiate a better time to haul-out.


Per Gus (also post-meeting), we are going to change our Commercial Logging form to be clearer, and potentially put-up Spring Breakup signs. He says, while our signs cannot hold CDL drivers to the same laws as the street, those trucks do then have to take the logs down the restricted roads to the mill, which is illegal, and they know that. So, we are looking at adding seasonal sign postings into our process.


Send timber/logging questions to: For links to the Commercial Logging + Timber Exemption Forms, visit:


Motion to accept Timber Report by: Rebecca Morales               

Motion Seconded by: Brendan Mills


Welcome Committee: Tisha apologized for not yet rolling-out the new welcome program but confirmed it will be done after the semi-annual meeting. She has a couple volunteers who will be helping her too. Contact her with questions at Newbies who have yet to register for HOA billing/mailings, please fill-out the new resident form:


Motion to Accept Welcome Report: Gus Ferguson         

Motion Seconded by:  Rebecca Morales



-        Newsletter

o   Editor & Member at Large, Lois Tarnowski, says Summer content is due by July 10th.

o   Newsletters + SLE business ad Info can be found at:

o   Proceeds from advertising in the newsletter + Facebook Group go to our Road Fund!

o   Attendee asked if we’d be opening up to advertising beyond SLE-owned businesses – YES!

o   Also, if you’ve provided an email address, you can always find the quarterly newsletter in your email inbox (or junk). If you haven’t given an email address, you’ll get it in the mail.

o   Homeowners: To cut costs + save time, please send us an email address so that we can reduce the amount of people who need a hardcopy newsletter mailed to them. To provide your email for this (or update your email address) contact:


-        Street Signs

o   The missing Kelso & Liberty and stop signs were picked up and installed earlier this month.

o   We have some extra stop signs now on reserve. Total cost: $427.00

o   Some asking for more 15mph signs. We have more and can put them up on existing posts.



Motion to Accept Old Business: Tisha Dore                   

Motion Seconded by:  Gus Ferguson




-        Contacted by IDT regarding our entrances

o   They have an upcoming project on the 54 so they will redo the entrances and get them up to code and then permit them (at no cost). 

-        Board Elections

o   Reminder: Four board seats are now available as of this tonight.

o   Voting may be done here tonight at the May 2024 Semi-Annual Meeting.

o   If you voted online or via email by 4pm today, they were printed + delivered for counting.

o   If you are NOT a homeowner but voting for a homeowner, you must have a signed proxy.

o   There are copies of the proxy at the voting table, if you need to submit one with an earlier vote if the name on the vote does not match the name of the homeowner in our database.


-        Donations Onsite

o   Drop by our donation table to submit a check or cash in our lockbox tonight.

o   If you’d like to mail a check after the meeting, drop by the donation table to pick up a stamped envelope. If you know a neighbor who wants to donate, take one for them too!

o   If you want to make a big impact, donate $500 for a truck load of base, and designate on the envelope where you want your road base donation to be distributed.




Motion to Accept New Business: Gus Ferguson                         

Motion Seconded by: Rebecca Morales




Member at Large, Brendan Mills, said just before 7pm we’ll now open it up for a quick intro to each candidate for the four board seats (1-2 mins, max), then last questions + comments from homeowners. The same with last questions + comments, please be quick as there’s a hard stop at 7:30pm.


Lois said, and don’t forget to vote on the way out + donate or grab a stamped envelope to mail later. Also, grab a cookie too as a special thanks for attending tonight from Treasurer, Rebecca Morales!


-        Candidate Introductions


o   Sandi Nichols introduced herself. She said that she’s been living in SLE for a year now. She also highlighted her board experience stating that she’s served on many boards. Sandi said she wants to be the voice of the people. In response to others sharing about their miliary expertise, Sandi added that she served in law enforcement + the Army.


o   Patrick Meehan introduced himself. He said he’s been living in SLE for 12 years. He said that he and his wife have five children. Patrick also said that he served in the Navy, and in the Middle East, and that he’s been working for the Sheriff’s Department for the last 22 years. Patrick said, as a long-term resident he understands SLE’s challenges including the roads and other issues, and he’s ready to help.

o   Tisha Dore introduced herself. She noted that she’s fulfilled the duties of the SLE HOA Secretary for 16 months. She said she stepped-down for a short time for health reasons, but continued to do the secretarial work throughout that period, which became a leave of absence. She mentioned being in marketing, PR and fundraising for 25+ years. Tisha finds that her experience plugs into the needs of SLE for which she has built a new website, launched the FB page, and enjoys helping Lois as back-up on her newsletter.

o   John O’Neil introduced himself. He said that his 27-year career in law enforcement was as a Sergeant for State Patrol. While John is now retired, he continues to work in campus security, and as a volunteer. John also noted that earlier he served in the Navy. He said that he’s been living in SLE for five years. John also said that he’s been the SLE HOA President for over a year now and understands well the issues of our community.

o   Gus Ferguson introduced himself. He said he’s been living in SLE for 18 years, and involved with the community for a long time, and indirectly with the board for 10 years. He’s a welder, fabricator, mechanic by trade with road (construction) experience. Tisha then interjected with a reminder of Gus’ 10-hour round-trip to Montana to test + qualify in-person the purchase our new grader.


-        Last Questions & Comments


o   Trudy Shrigley said she’s happy with the grader purchase and other things we’re doing. She asked if we were considering pursuit of a Special Assessment to help grow our bank account again. John addressed the issue of the 2/3 vote and how challenging it can be. Rebecca concurred. Gus then spoke about outreach + polling to avoid unnecessary costs in time + money. Tisha agreed, said that campaigns via email, newsletter + social media were all part of a larger strategy to grow engagement, and eventually voting.


-        Motion to adjourn at pm by: Lois Tarnowski                  

Motion Seconded by: Brendan Mills

-        Meeting was adjourned at: 7:25pm




-        Board members + some attendees stacked chairs + packed-up while the vote tally was completed by our Election Committee volunteers, Leora Abell, Judy Aviles, Greg Bertsch and Chris Cahaal. The results are as follows:


o   Tisha Dore – 56 votes

o   Gus Ferguson – 53 votes

o   John O’Neil – 53 votes

o   Sandi Nichols – 36 votes

o   Patrick Meehan – 30 votes

o   Vern Peters – 2 votes

o   Troy Thompson – 2 votes

o   Marilyn Rousher – 1 vote

o   Rebecca Morales – 1 vote

o   Neil Engle – 1 vote


-        Two ballots were not counted for the following reasons:

o    1 ballot had no resident name, lot number or address and there was no way to identify who it belonged to

o   1 ballot was submitted as a proxy with no proxy designation attached






Kootenai County Sheriff, Robert Norris


-        He opened with a stand-your-ground case in support of a local protecting his life + property.

-        He introduced County Prosecutor, Stanley Mortensen, noting the partnership between depts.

-        He said fentanyl is an increasing focus for his department as it’s growing in popularity.

-        He described it to be like heroine but far stronger + more dangerous.

-        He said fentanyl is easy to conceal, transport + incorporate into other drugs.

-        He highlighted recent busts by his department involving the seizure of large quantities of fentanyl including one that recovered enough fentanyl to kill every resident in the city of Coeur d’Alene.

-        He also addressed his stance on illegal immigration and its impact on local crime.

-        He said there’s a legal process by which people can immigrate here, and this must be followed.

-        Gus asked the Sheriff about ATVs, and he affirmed our stance that the HOA is not a law enforcement agency, and cannot enforce speed laws or 4-wheelers driving on our roads. 

-        One SLE resident asked the Sheriff if ATVs are legal out on the 54, and he confirmed that if they’re licensed, they’re legal (and as we’ve noted can go on any roads or pass through ours).

-        He was also clear four-wheelers are too small of an issue for the Sheriff’s Department to get involved with, and therefore, they will not be enforcing the posted laws either.


Spirit Lake Fire Chief, Debbie Carpenter


-        She went over fire season preparedness for Spirit Lake East.

-        She said all major fires last year were from camp fires that got out of control, not lightning.

-        She handed out flyers to attendees mapping out all of the ways we can safeguard our homes + properties including establishing a perimeter + access for the Fire Dept. (we’ll post this online).

-        She said burn season is near done this year already. Be aware of conditions + use good judgement.

-        Have a burn permit in place so you know the rules + we know where you are in advance.

-        Have an evacuation plan with your family, check conditions online, have a ditch bag, etc.

-        John O’Neil asked the Fire Chief to comment on our roads + access to SLE by emergency services.

-        She said there has NEVER BEEN a fire or other emergency that they failed to respond to in SLE.

-        The Fire Chief went on to say that they have 4WD vehicles + a plow on the front when needed, and they have never had a problem getting in and around SLE, even on Hayden Dr.

-        One resident brought up the community well/reservoir tank asking could be tied in to fight a fire.

-        Another resident suggested use of a DR machine which are expensive ($2K) or can be rented to help create a defensible space around your home (this he said he found out the hard way after failing an aerial fire inspection and losing his homeowner’s insurance).

-        The Fire Chief confirmed that this machine and others are helpful.

-        She also mentioned the Spirit Lake Fire Department is working hard to educate around the need for another fire department in Blanchard noting that a proposed levy could help with this.

-        She said currently if they are fighting a fire in Blanchard there is no one to cover Spirit Lake.

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The Minutes


The Minutes