The Minutes
Date: July 23, 2024
Location: Tisha Dore’s Home
Board Members in Attendance: Gus Ferguson, Rebecca Morales, Lois Tarnowski, Brendan Mills, Sandi Nichols (via phone) and Tisha Dore
Quorum: YES
Call to Order: 6:00pm
Minutes from the last meeting: Accepted (Motioned by: Rebecca Morales, Seconded by: Brendan Mills)
Treasurer’s Report:
Current in checking account: $ 6,701.57
Current in savings account: $ 21,159.91
Current in petty cash account: $ 201.00
Total in bank accounts: $ 28,062.48
3 lots owe on multiple years – demand letters sent certified mail and/or FedEx requiring signature.
4 lots owe on this and last year – demand letters sent certified mail and/or FedEx requiring signature.
10 lot owners owe dues for this year and monthly finance charges will only continue to accumulate.
Three liens were placed on July 12, 2024, and another three are scheduled to be placed on July 31st. More liens will follow with related fees (certified + FedEx letters and filing + monthly late charges) added.
11 owners representing almost $4K are now current, down from 28 delinquent accounts + nearly $11k, but 17 homes representing a whopping $7,228.34 in unpaid dues is a lot for a small private community.
Behind on your dues? Send payment ASAP or contact Rebecca Morales, at For more info on payments + donations (mailing address + PayPal):
Motion to accept Treasurer Report by: Brendan Mills
Motion Seconded by: Gus Ferguson
Roads Report: Roads Chair, Joe Sandbank, wants to address key issues in prep for Fall + Winter including approving maintenance services now, and need for chains for the new grader + more snow plow drivers.
Joe wants to start planning maintenance of the rigs in prep for the Fall + Winter seasons so we’re ready. He needs approval on the cost of materials only (up to $1K) as he’ll donate his time. The board approved the expenses so that Joe can get on it slowly when he is available to service the trucks.
Joe also said we need to plan for an eventual purchase of the accessories for our new grader. Basic chains are $2,500 but we all agreed the $5,600 chain package with ice cleats (includes tax) is the better option. We are waiting on this for now while we collect more back dues, another reason donations are needed!
KEC work continues with the latest contractor to repair damage caused to our freshly-graded roads during this latest + messy phase of the project to bury the power lines underground. While temporary upheaval was expected particularly in this phase when the cables are being installed, we have been promised all will be restored including fresh base compacted by a roller before they’re done. The contractor (and KEC) are overseeing repairs to complete this phase.
Joe is concerned about the latest phase of the KEC project. He wants to meet with the contractor and KEC to go over the road repairs. While the repairs are just beginning, we need to be sure they are in line with exactly what we are expecting because currently, the side of the road that they dug-up is now FLAT and needs to be crowned by the contractor. Joe said the contractor better have buried the lines deep enough to put that crown back. He went on to say that we do not want the contractor to lay new rock before that is done by them and with their liability. He said we must be involved and approve of the final product. Gus is going to contact KEC to coordinate an onsite meeting with them, their contractor + Joe and Gus.
Want to oil your roads? Gus said be sure that KEC’s contractors will not be working by you first. Given the lead times of Lyman’s + other companies, this will be challenging to coordinate around KEC this year.
Next on the list: Gus needs help from an operator to prep the old grader for sale. He’ll be donating minimal repairs to the knuckle to post it but needs an operator to help with that. Joe + Gus agreed on a date/time to meet as both want the old grader on the market ASAP. All proceeds will go towards our Road Fund.
As President, John O'Neil, noted in the Summer edition of our newsletter, our new grader is working great, and as predicted, we have been able to get more done in less time with less billable hours with a fully functioning rig. Thanks to everyone who has generously donated to the Road Fund.
Some have asked why do we invite donations, isn’t all grading in the budget, and the answer is, “No.” The budget has only ever allowed for repairs + maintenance, not improvements. Dues are extremely low in SLE and still an incredible amount of road work is done annually—grading, plowing, sanding, signs, etc.—all within our small original budget. This is thanks to the negotiation of discounted rates and donated time.
After the KEC road repairs are completed to our satisfaction by the contractor and with our approvals, we’ll continue with our big-picture project of rebuilding the crown in the roads as weather + funds allow. Affording this means that DELINQUENT ACCOUNTS MUST BE BROUGHT CURRENT.
If you’d like to donate, please don’t wait until the dry season is over. We need donations upfront, so when the rain comes and conditions are optimal for grading, we can act quickly to book with our crew and deliver + disperse the maximum amount of road base in a single shift.
Want to make a big impact? Donate $500 for a truck load of base (this includes the base + fuel + wages), and designate where you want your road base donation to be distributed. A check is best (no fees):
SLE HOA – P.O. Box 217
Spirit Lake, ID 83869
*Memo: Road Fund
$23,000 from sale of dump truck
$ 5,500 from unused shop equipment sale
$12,440 ($1,200/mo for July-April KEC shop rent + $440 for June 2023 partial rent)
$ 4,470.03 from donations (including $500 donation in June from a single homeowner – THANK YOU!)
Rebecca suggested we develop a protocol for plowing that we can point to on the website when homeowners ask questions about plowing. Joe agreed we need this in place, and said, for example, we really cannot plow during the day unless it’s absolutely necessary, it isn’t safe, there’s too much traffic. Tisha will put together a webpage including a map of where we plow and in what order. For now, Joe said it’s in order of highest traffic: CDA, then St. Joe followed by Liberty, then Kelso, and so on. More to come.
Rebecca then asked on behalf of CPA what is our list of equipment for depreciation costing $5K or more. Joe noted that would include one loader, two graders, and two plow trucks (the CPA already has the rest).
The board reminds to SLOW DOWN. It damages the roads + costs us money. It’s dusty this time of year. Going over 15mph kicks-up more dust. Leave early, mind your dust, and tell to your kids to slow down.
Email Q’s to For roads form for reporting issues:
Motion to Accept the Roads Report: Lois Tarnowski
Motion Seconded by: Gus Ferguson
ARC Report: Jon fielded questions + reviewed/approved plans for one build (Lot #217) since last meeting. If you have building plans or questions, email ARC Chair, Jon Dore, at Learn about building in SLE + find the Architectural Form for approvals here:
Motion to accept ARC Report by: Brendan Mills
Motion Seconded by: Gus Ferguson
Newsletter Report:
- Editor & Member at Large, Lois Tarnowski, just wrapped the Summer edition focused on fire season safety, evacuation map + mitigation tips and Summer events in Spirit Lake + around town.
- Rebecca suggested we include in the Fall Newsletter info on our plowing protocol as an FYI.
- Sandi has some local business contacts who are interested and will work with Lois to place ads.
- Newsletters + SLE business ad Info can be found at:
- Proceeds from advertising in the newsletter + Facebook Group go to our Road Fund!
- Advertising is NOW OPEN to businesses beyond SLE. Pricing is different, has been posted.
- Also, if you’ve provided an email address, you can always find the quarterly newsletter in your email inbox (or junk). If you haven’t given an email address, you’ll get it in the mail.
- Homeowners: To cut costs + save time, please send us an email address so that we can reduce the amount of people who need a hardcopy newsletter mailed to them. To provide your email for this (or update your email address) contact:
Motion to accept Newsletter Report by: Gus Ferguson
Motion Seconded by: Sandi Nichols
Timber Report: VP, Gus Ferguson, had nothing to report. Rebecca said she heard from a title company and referred to Gus who confirmed he answered questions from potential buyer re: commercial logging. Tisha continues to check the form responses to the logging form as the forwarding app is not working. Gus reminds of fire season prep and the hand-out from the Fire Chief on FB and in Summer newsletter.
Send timber/logging questions to: For links to the Commercial Logging + Timber Exemption Forms, visit:
Motion to accept Timber Report by: Rebecca Morales
Motion Seconded by: Lois Tarnowski
Welcome Committee: We created a list of newbies and are putting together gift packs to go out once it cools down so they can survive in your mailboxes including some fun donated seasonal gifts. The Board approved the ideas. Contact Tisha with questions at If you have yet to register for HOA billing/mailings, fill-out the new resident form:
Motion to Accept Welcome Report: Gus Ferguson
Motion Seconded by: Sandi Nichols
- Street Signs
o Once it cools down, more 15mph signs from the shop will be installed on existing posts.
o Also, the sign at Blanchard + Hayden that has been tipped-over will soon be re-installed.
Motion to Accept Old Business: Sandi Nichols
Motion Seconded by: Lois Tarnowski
- Intermax
o USIC marked where the lines are and KEC supervised. Tisha met and spoke with them.
o Next phase of this grant-funded project to begin soon. Roads impacted will be repaired.
o Gus has and will continue to run point on this and will keep us up-to-date on the project.
- IDT to upgrade entrances
o We got the forms for permission to use the right-of-way and John is to sign/return ASAP.
o Reminder IDT has an upcoming project on the 54, so they will redo the SLE entrances, and get them up to code and then permit them (at no cost). Timing is to be determined but the permission forms are a good sign. We’ll continue to keep homeowners updated.
Motion to Accept New Business: Gus Ferguson
Motion Seconded by: Sandi Nichols
- Motion to adjourn by: Lois Tarnowski
- Motion Seconded by: Brendan Mills
- Meeting was adjourned at: 7pm