SLE HOA Newsletters
Below are links to our quarterly newsletter followed by advertising info, and yes, we have now opened up advertising to non SLE-owned businesses! Pricing for both is now listed. Reminder, all proceeds go directly to our Road Fund. Have any questions or suggestions concerning the Spirit Lake East Newsletter? Contact: newsletter@spiritlakeeast.org.
Quarterly Editions
Advertising & Pricing - For Businesses Outside of SLE
Business card-sized ad: $50 per newsletter, $150 for four issues, if paid in advance.
1/4 page: $100 per newsletter or $300 for four issues, if paid in advance.
1/2 page: $200 per newsletter or $600 for four issues, if paid in advance.
Full page: $400 per newsletter, $1,200 for four issues, if paid in advance.
Monthly post by Secretary in HOA FB Group: $50/mo, $500/year, if in advance.
Advertisers are responsible for all content, artwork, images, etc.
Advertising & Pricing - For SLE Resident-Owned Businesses
Business card-sized ad: $25 per newsletter, $75 for four issues, if paid in advance.
1/4 page: $50 per newsletter or $150 for four issues, if paid in advance.
1/2 page: $100 per newsletter or $300 for four issues, if paid in advance.
Full page: $200 per newsletter, $600 for four issues, if paid in advance.
Monthly post by Secretary in HOA FB Group: $25/mo, $250/year, if in advance.
Advertisers are responsible for all content, artwork, images, etc.